View Full Version : Discussion on Cohen's Lifestyle programme

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  1. Monday November 27th.
  2. RULES of posting and membership.
  3. Welcome to the Cohen Weigh Loss Forum
  4. Cohens while on Holiday....tips and advice
  5. Daily news
  6. Thursday 29th november 2006
  7. Carbohydrates (sugars and starches) are "toxic" !
  8. FRIDAY! December 1th. 2006.
  9. Living the Cohen Diet
  10. how do you set up those tickers ??
  11. Thank goodness for forums
  12. What's your excuse..why is Xmas different???
  13. Weigh in and Updates
  14. How did you go over xmas?
  15. 365 Days Head for 2007
  16. Tracking software...
  17. asy's gone...
  18. Language Other Than English - Doing Cohens in Turkish!
  19. What will you be doing different after you are completed.
  20. Beware the hidden SUGAR!
  21. Eating out. List your COHEN COMPLIANT eateries here!
  22. Thinking of doing the Diet, any commetns on Geelong Clinic?
  23. Still eating 2-Much! Need motivation
  24. Oils aint oils...
  26. Weighing Frequency.
  27. Food, is it an addiction? Addiction transferance.
  28. To Do or Not to Do Cohen's?
  29. HELP - 2 weeks down and 3 pounds gained!
  30. Checking in...
  32. Adjustments to food amounts during program
  33. I hit 40kg today
  34. I met Asy!
  35. For Somersoft Cohenites..
  36. TOFU Questions??
  37. Difference in Weight: Fresh & Thawed meat
  38. The Psychological Aspects of Cohen Program
  39. Peter 14.7 hit 10kg lost today!
  41. Business Trip Meals: advice sought
  42. Soup Stock ... is it ok. :?:
  43. Mildura Clinic
  44. A rough week...
  45. The Difference Between Pure Cohens and Minimal Deviations
  46. What other diets/programs have you tried?
  47. Hypothyroidism - anyone else have it?
  48. Getting back on program..help
  49. Sun 1nd Morning forum will be down for conversion
  51. I deviated......Now what??
  52. Fat/Toxic Nodules
  53. My mum's progress: 8 weeks down!
  54. How much water do you drink?
  55. Going over contract question?
  56. Peter 14.7 Hits GOAL 2 - half way!
  57. Part 2 of my weight loss program...
  58. New to cohen diet, help and advice needed desperately~
  59. You guys are just what I need....
  60. Cohen's after a baby
  61. Loser of the week
  62. First weigh in, and Does anyone have any really EAST recipe ideas
  63. update..
  64. Feeling the cold..
  65. Feel like a failure
  66. How can I help another with weight loss?
  67. Feedback wanted on people's comments.
  68. Libido???? whats that????
  69. MOTHERS DAY!!!
  70. 1 day shy of a week on Cohen's
  71. Cherry or Grape Tomatoes
  72. Cheese Questions??
  73. shrimp
  74. Sweetner...Questions??
  75. Bad Veggies, No Veggies or Late Veggies ?
  76. the << ultimate >> plateau resource
  77. yoghurt
  78. Deviated..I need motivational tips?
  79. Update...
  80. Clothes Shopping Tips... post them here
  81. cohen's after baby (hormones)
  82. Menstrual Cycle
  83. breakthroughs
  84. average time to do Cohen's
  85. Recovering Obesiac
  86. POCS & loose skin questions?
  87. Restaurants - where to eat out in Brisbane
  88. Bad detox and a migrane
  89. How quickly do you eat ?
  90. Wanting non program foods..help?
  91. Is there Good and bad Cohens friendly food ideal for weight loss
  92. What is detox like?
  93. 2 rather strange questions
  94. brocolli
  95. For those interested, pics of Peter 14.7 before and after are in the pic section
  96. Kiwi Fruit
  97. The Daily Lounge ... how are you today?
  98. Melbourne visit/ pathologists?
  99. Question - Tuesday is Dday
  100. Cohens Closure
  101. Got my eating plan...starting Thursday
  102. MOVED: Melbourne/Geelong Coffee
  103. MOVED: All Brisbane people
  104. MOVED: 'Gong Gathering
  105. Digital Scales?
  106. Is caffeine a NO NO
  107. 2nd time around
  108. Questions Questions Questions !!!
  109. This forum has hidden gems
  110. Off on holidays
  111. I'm struggling
  113. What's with rice cakes?
  114. ARRGGGHHHH!!!! Stuck without lunch......
  115. Rumbling tummy?
  116. !!! VOTE FOR ASY !!!
  117. Old v's New
  118. Measurements??
  119. Newbie
  120. scared, anxious, not sure...
  121. Kitchen Scale
  122. About 12-13kg to loose..how quick?
  123. Tea and Coffee no milk ------how do you do it
  124. how long until you see results
  125. Sugar free chewing gum - but not sugar free lollies
  126. Immitation of the program or does Cohen have another name?
  127. Blood Test Questions??
  128. too scared to weigh
  129. Anyone from Canada? BLOOD TESTS, HOW?
  130. Oh Oh Spagettio
  131. cheating/devaiting off program
  132. Does Smoking Effect Weight Loss?
  133. Anna & Bam please read
  134. Hi i am a newbie too!!!!
  135. Any one from Adelaide
  136. NOT SLEEPING, any advice?
  137. Calcium
  138. The damage from my travels/parties etc
  139. The Pill and Pregnancy
  140. Anyone breastfeeding?
  141. OK, Convince Me...
  142. Proof for those ladies wanting to have babies !!!!
  143. Vitamins are making me a little ill any suggestions?
  145. Hungry and not at refeed..help
  146. After having a baby
  147. How long before program arrives?
  148. Desperate for a baby
  149. Tickers
  150. Antone out there trying on there kids clothes?
  151. How often do you go to the clinic?
  152. People who have had babies
  153. Detox..nausea & headaches
  154. Is "Search" working for you?
  155. A few questions regarding allowed food
  156. does losing weight this quickly leave u with heaps of excess skin????
  157. Night Eating Syndrome
  158. New Clothes
  159. Moody
  160. Goal Weight
  161. Can Diabetics do Cohens?
  162. Deviations..does it hinder weight loss?
  163. When to weigh
  164. GRIN
  165. Unsure...
  166. Which Mayo?
  167. The Pill
  168. Finally, day 1
  169. Not at refeed.. and starving?
  170. How do I apply a weight tracker on my profile?
  171. why can't we have 2 meals from meal 1 ?
  172. Skin Elasticity
  173. Here I go again!
  174. Communion - day one obstacle!
  176. Periods?
  177. What does the Karma represent?
  178. Deviate - ion
  179. Ladies - A Little Discretion, Please ...
  180. I am new
  181. I'm new and need your help!!
  182. Reusing old program?
  183. Chewing gum
  184. any one SLEEPY
  185. Starting weight to goal weight countdown
  186. Hi there
  187. HELP I am HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  188. Help with avitar photo up?
  189. Comparison..3rd time on program
  190. Garlic??
  191. No loss but loose pants
  192. Equal opportunity. ***--EVERYONE PLEASE READ--***
  193. Edit post question?
  194. Support of Friends and Family
  195. Going to clinic today to order refeed!
  196. Inspiration
  197. American Cohens Different to Aus?
  198. Ketosis
  199. Portion Sized Bowls and Plates
  200. Curry Powder
  201. Slip into old routines
  202. How to print Diary pages?
  203. Kohinoor
  204. Lurkers
  205. Meal ideas for unexpected events??
  206. Question about vegetable types
  207. Mood Swings
  208. Meal planners/trackers
  209. Basal Body Temperature & Cohens
  210. Sleeplessness
  211. Googie Eggs
  213. Termination of Cohens contract
  214. The vertically Challenged
  215. New Foods???
  216. Chocolate cravings
  217. Knowledge is power
  218. did anyone's diet change after blood tests??
  219. Nando's Peri Peri Sauce????
  220. What is your Fruit and Crispbread Allowance???
  221. Digital Bathroom Scales - any advice?
  222. question about alcohol
  223. What was your turning point?
  224. mayo?
  225. Accidental Vegetable Deviation - how bad is it?
  226. Question about milk
  227. Re-opening Wollongong
  229. what are your dream clothes after cohens?
  230. Going under goal question?
  231. A question about Cabbage
  232. Ticker help please
  233. What age are you?
  234. Deviation..now what?
  235. Cohens on ACA
  236. not hungry for dinner
  237. What did you have for lunch today?
  238. Energy Levels
  239. For Sale?
  240. Leg Cramps at night
  241. Cohens after babies
  242. How much time have you logged?
  243. Sleep
  244. You've convinced me!
  245. Frozen Mango pieces
  246. Garlic - Yay or Nay??
  247. The Power of Positive Thinking
  249. how to register for cohens online??
  250. Announcing.... My new baby...