View Full Version : Challenges, Sprints and Comps

  1. Competition "rules".
  2. Try this challenge !!
  3. 10 KGs CLUB
  4. 20 KG to go (or less)
  5. another 10 kgs in 8 weeks
  6. Maintaining weight and accountablility for life!
  7. Watch Me Shed ***3 Week Challenge - 5kgs Off***
  8. Calling ALL Cohen Graduates getting back to basics
  9. Self Challenge - I will knock 11kg of Weight - 8 weeks - Starting 23/8 - End 18/10/10
  10. Sammie & Nyssabee's personal challenage!!!! 15kgs in 11 weeks - wooo.....
  11. Chrissy Challenge
  12. Motivational Challenge
  13. 10 week challenge... who's in?
  14. Nov 1 - Dec 1 Challenge - Be Lean with 7kgs OFF
  15. Calling all Maintainers - join us for NO-vember!
  16. Calling all maintainers - time for DO-cember!
  17. Anyone interested in 10Kg loss in 8 weeks?
  18. Who wants to do a 10wk challenage till Easter!!! 12kgs gone!!!
  19. ♥♥♥ SLIM BY JUNE CHALLENGE (12 weeks) ♥♥♥
  20. 4 week challenge (4 April - 3 May)
  21. Spectacular Slim by September Challenge
  22. Ipswich park2park maintainers only july 2011
  23. Anyone interested in losing 10kgs in 8 weeks?
  24. Sprint to get under 100kg Support Thread
  25. New challenges
  26. Is anyone interested in a Sensational by Summer Challenge?
  27. Need to get back on track....anyone else interested?
  28. Mango challenge 14 nov to 27 nov
  29. Determined and Dedicated to a Deviation Free December -A Completely Cohen's Christmas
  30. Mango challenge - the tough one! 12 Dec to 25 December
  31. 2012....Feb 1 - March 2 - Shed- Loose Challenge
  32. The Tourniquet Challenge: 10 kilos in 8 weeks 23rd April to Sunday 17th June, 2012
  33. New Challenges?
  34. Tourniquet Challenge #2: 10 kilos in 8 weeks Monday 18th June-Sunday 5th August,2012
  35. 100% Cohen Mini Challenge, Sunday to Sunday
  36. Is anyone interested in a Sensational by Summer Challenge?
  37. The 5 Kilo Race
  38. 5 kilo New Year, New Me challenge
  39. Do the Bunny Hop to Easter Race with me ♡
  40. MIssing blue ribbon!
  41. 4 week challenge anyone?
  42. No Weigh May!
  43. Winter challenge
  44. 4 week TRIPLE Threat! Ribbon Challenge!!!
  45. July Tune-Up
  46. Spring challenge
  47. Last 10kg (or thereabouts) to go!
  48. Tourniquet Challenge: 8 kilosx6 weeks Monday 4th November-Sunday 15th December,2013
  49. 20 Kilos to Go (November, 2013)
  50. Summer challenge!!
  51. Maintenance Challenge!
  52. Autumn challenge
  53. Say goodbye to the final 25Kg
  54. Spring into Spring Challenge !
  55. 5kg challenge
  56. Deviation Free endurance
  57. 5kg challenge 20 Feb to 19 March 2015
  58. 4 week 5kg challenge anyone? 14/4-5/5/15
  59. 5KG 4 WEEK CHALLENGE (18 May- 15 JUN)
  60. Super 10 sprint