- Why no 5 hour wait
- Welcome to maintenance
- MOVED: Shell's Life after Cohen's Journey!!
- Food on maintenance - what works for you?
- Serotonin boosting foods
- Advice & Questions for Maintenance.
- Signs of starting up the FAT FACTORY!
- Binge Eating, Anxiety, Obsession and Panic
- Thinning hair
- Low Carb Cookbooks??
- Trying to hunt down Cohen graduates!
- Reset Technique and Eating Plan
- Is bread considered a carb on maintenance?
- What is the goal weight?
- Loss of periods after maintenance..?
- Guidelines for maintenance
- Forever feeling like the 'fat chick'
- Goodbye letters to the old you
- Night Sweats
- Looking for a psychologist?
- Anything that might help someone !!!
- Just wondering! What is going back to Normal?
- Thread for recipes?
- Self Esteem
- French Women Don't Get Fat
- Go Organic!
- Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
- Sugar Substitutes
- Definition of weight maintenance:
- Dear Food Letters
- Low carb & fibre (psyllium husks)
- Lasagne...
- I've been musing.. "Going back on Plan" once on maintenance?
- Calling Maintainers - your views on how/if you are keeping the weight off
- Coconut oil
- Losing Weight AFTER Maint Goal?
- A question for the Maintainers
- Tips once on maintenance
- Need advise to loss 4kgs after REFEED
- Carb Values of fruit
- Weight Gain on Reset
- Does anyone choose not to have milk on maintenance?
- Should I do Refeed again after 6kg lost??
- Mental body image
- Cheesecake Recipe
- Hi was just wondering
- Magnesium deficiency & cravings
- Curious! New program or restart old program
- Maintenance and exercise
- What foods are you finding you can eat on Maintenance?
- Powerful Personal Mission Statements
- March is Maintenance Month!
- Just Wondering about serious body toning
- salad dressing + oil, life after cohen's!
- Do you have to do refeed if you go back on plan?
- egg whites?!
- Calling all maintainers!!
- resetting..
- Family Issues with Weight
- Treat card
- Exceptionally good sugarfree WHITE chocolate
- Chai Lattes
- "Loving Earth"-chocolate
- Maintenance works - if YOU work it!!!!!!!!!!
- Nuts
- Is your stomach flat after finishing?
- Carob
- losing weight during maintenance
- Gluten-free Question
- 'Sugar-free' products
- how bad are leeks
- bean sprouts
- Moving in maintenance
- Muesli / Yogurt Bars / Oat meals
- thoughts on a new plan...?
- tomatoes and onions
- Sunflower Seeds & Seeds in general
- Vitamins taken on maintenance?
- Yogurt as snacks?
- Sauce/ Condiment Question
- Hello
- canned peaches or pineapple
- Contraceptive Pill
- A couple of questions regarding resetting and detoxing
- Dessert Rules for Maint. (Questions)
- Life after refeed
- Anyone with no-baked cheesecake recipe?
- Weighloss after Weight Gain
- do you reset on original or refeed plan?
- Angelbum's maintenance land
- Do I need a new plan?
- Exercise and weightgain
- Easier weight gain after Cohens??
- Yoghurt as Lunch and Dinner
- snacky on maintenance
- The +120gram protein rule?
- stats for maintenance mishaps
- My Maintenance Rules
- Healthy eating while travelling
- Insecure, such a failure
- Maintenance Guidelines
- The poo question
- 6 weeks into maintenance and bombing badly
- Transforming a car wreck
- The final look - how long does it take?
- carb reset then what next?
- How long does the extreme volatility last for?
- Butter - has anyone else had problems with this?
- Weight gain after stopping the pill
- Still loosing weight
- Back onto the old program after 15 mths of maintenance
- Restart Buddy
- How often would you guys have something NON Cohen's?
- Confused!
- Happy & maintaining
- The carbohydrate song
- The magic bullet
- Best exercise for skin tightening?
- Confessions of a Sugar Addict
- What 'kicks' you back into action?
- Turning vegetarian
- 48 Hour Reset Cracker Question
- Do Crackers Count as Carbs on Maintenance?
- Helpful Maintenance Strategies
- Argh. 15 months on, 7 kgs up!
- Massive weight gain in two weeks
- Two years plus after Cohen's... now..??
- Loosing it???
- MAINTENANCE - cous cous, oats, yoghurt & egg questions!!
- Exercising Maintainers In Here Please ;)
- Welcome to the Hall of Fame
- Advice on dropping 12kgs?
- Extended "48 hour reset" or back on plan?
- Advice needed Weightloss / Refeed / Old Plan
- Alcohol?
- 48 hour reset
- Maintenence guidelines
- Life Beyond and LCHF inclusion for continued wellness?
- Iv shrunk... In height. New cohans program to squash slight gain
- HELP!!! Just started maintanance and gainned 2 KG in a week
- PLEASE HELP. Gainned weight after 6 months on maintanance and going away holiday soon
- Koh please help...I have a question