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Old 06-05-2013, 02:55
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Blommie Female Blommie is offline
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Default Cold in SA

Hi all you lovely ladies. Thought to perhaps have some chatter going in our homegrown folder How is every one holding out in the cold and what keeps you motivated? Lets push it ladies!!

No matter how many times I break down there is always a little piece of me that says NO, you're not done yet, GET BACK UP.

I am waterwise x 1

Goal 1:70kg - Done 6 Aug 2013
Goal 2: 65kg - Scheduled 20 Aug 13
Goal 3: Start pole-dance lessons
Goal 4: 60kg
Goal 5: Start refeed
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Old 06-05-2013, 18:02
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Runninggirl Female Runninggirl is offline
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Default Re: Cold in SA

I must say new zealand had a good wintersday today.......everybody tell me that nz weather is close to the weather in cape town but i was born in cape town but grew up in gauteng and i am not a winter person im cold and when im cold i want home made soup bean soup i love soup in the winter ...... Keep warm
Start 12/11/12
GOAL 1 - 110kg.....3/12/12 GOAL 2- 105kg.... 31/12/12

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Old 07-05-2013, 22:52
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Default Re: Cold in SA

Dis flippen koud in Pretoria!

Ok not really - but I hate the cold! I lived in CT for almost a year and it didn't stop raining once!

Doing Cohens in winter is also challenging - tough to get your water in; limited to apples and oranges (unless you're doing refeed - lucky you Blommie); etc. But I love my chicken and asparagus soup for meals and at least one poached apple in ginger and sweetener syrup.
Started maintenance on 12 February 2015 - weighing 52.3kg

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Old 08-05-2013, 06:01
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Runninggirl Female Runninggirl is offline
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Default Re: Cold in SA

Hi n2m ek hou van jou reseppies in dit hier op di recipe board op koue dae maak ek maar serk kerrie soppies....... Di winter is baie swaar vir my maar ons kyk noord en gaan voort
Start 12/11/12
GOAL 1 - 110kg.....3/12/12 GOAL 2- 105kg.... 31/12/12

TAKE 2 *******
GOAL 3- 99kg....GOAL 4- 95...GOAL 5 - 90.....
GOAL 6- 85...GOAL 7- 80...GOAL 8- 75....
GOAL 9- 74.... Refeed 71 ........ Goal weight- 69-66

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Old 08-05-2013, 06:10
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Blommie Female Blommie is offline
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Default Re: Cold in SA

Ek LOVE sop! Eks nes julle. gee my eerder die hitte dit kan ek handle. Hou niks vN koue nie! RG ekt n reseppie gepost vir hoendersop . Ek blitz dit met n stick blender en dit is amazing saam met die cracker-bread. Jy kan albei gebruik om jou sop dik te maak of om te dunk in die sop N2M ek wil so graag aspersies probeer maar dink dit is seker nie nou meer in seisoen nie. Kry niks by Wollies nie. Ekt gevind dat met Cohen ek baie minder fussy eater is.

No matter how many times I break down there is always a little piece of me that says NO, you're not done yet, GET BACK UP.

I am waterwise x 1

Goal 1:70kg - Done 6 Aug 2013
Goal 2: 65kg - Scheduled 20 Aug 13
Goal 3: Start pole-dance lessons
Goal 4: 60kg
Goal 5: Start refeed
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Awesome post - A Thank You from :-
Old 08-05-2013, 21:44
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Default Re: Cold in SA

Die aspersies is devine! Ek gebruik sommer die gebliktes en omdat jy dit sag kook kan jy sommer die heel goedkoop blikkies kry. Gisteraand het ek my 2 crackers ingesit en dit was ekstra dik!

Ek sal bietjie jou reseppies ook 'uit-check'.
Started maintenance on 12 February 2015 - weighing 52.3kg

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Old 14-05-2013, 00:45
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MTB_Girl Female MTB_Girl is offline
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Default Re: Cold in SA

Ek eet omtrent elke dag aspersies - Ontbyt, middagete en aandete. Ek koop die blikkies by ww. Dit hou lank en ek kan net uit die kas uit haal as ek niks anders het om te eet nie ... Hierdie week is egter 'n spinasie week.
En ja die koue - ek drink maar tee om my warm te hou. Het nog nie van die soppe probeer nie
Start Date: 2013/04/08
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Old 15-05-2013, 06:31
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Runninggirl Female Runninggirl is offline
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Default Re: Cold in SA

Hmm ek het die hoender aspersie soppie probeer en dit was heerlik ek gaan nog soppe probeer en kyk of ek my favourite kan kry
Start 12/11/12
GOAL 1 - 110kg.....3/12/12 GOAL 2- 105kg.... 31/12/12

TAKE 2 *******
GOAL 3- 99kg....GOAL 4- 95...GOAL 5 - 90.....
GOAL 6- 85...GOAL 7- 80...GOAL 8- 75....
GOAL 9- 74.... Refeed 71 ........ Goal weight- 69-66

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Old 27-05-2013, 05:09
Jilly-Vanilly Female Jilly-Vanilly is offline
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Default Re: Cold in SA

Hello almal! NiEteVeel en Celeste123 die enigste bekendes! Hoop dit gaan goed!
Yip dit is koud in die Kaap. A typical Cape of storms, nat en koud!
Ok so om catch up te speel. Ek het refeed so te se klaar gemaak. Vakansie gaan hou in Thailand, maklik die 3-4kgs afgeskud wat ek aangesit het. Anyway, so voor kersfees ondek ek is swanger! Toe ek by die dr uitkom was ek al 10wks swanger! So ek was nog seker op refeed toe dit gebeur het!
Het nie vreeslik gewig aangesit aan die begin nie. Maar nou op 31weke het ek al die hele 12-13kgs opgetel wat jy allowed is. Hoop ma ek tel nie veel meer op nie. But at least het ek 'n tool om my gewig reg te ruk, indien nodig. Ek join jul (as jul nog hier is) in Jan, na breastfeeding.
Sterkte aan al die dames! Onthou dit is moontlik en die moeite werd!
24kgs lost in just over 4 months (this mostly my own fault, taking breaks for a wedding, my 30th etc., etc. ) ... 1kgsto the end!!! Cohen's rock!!!! Started refeed on the 1st November - my refeed 17days
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Old 09-06-2013, 22:06
chantalv Female chantalv is offline
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Default Re: Cold in SA


Blommie - ek het net gister vars aspersies gesien by Checkers, maar wees gewaarsku: dis nogal duur. R35 vir 'n handjievol?

dis vrekkig koud hier in die Kaap. Ek begin more weer met CD. ek het dit in 2009 gedoen en 31kg in 3 maande verloor, maar na histerektomie en allerhande medikasie vir depressie weer 20kg opgetel. My ma het so 2 weke gelede begin (en reeds 5kg verloor!). Sy se sy sukkel maar baie.

Ek is baie gemotiveerd om dit te doen, so die koue of nou nie...ek sal maar moet vasbyt!

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Old 12-06-2013, 06:03
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Blommie Female Blommie is offline
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Default Re: Cold in SA

Heya Chantal. Dankie vir die tip. Het vandag oe toegeknyp en by PnP R37 betaal vir 200g maar was so lus vir dit! So hoe gaan it met jou 2de dag so ver? Het jy n nuwe plan of gebruik jy sommer jou ou ene?

No matter how many times I break down there is always a little piece of me that says NO, you're not done yet, GET BACK UP.

I am waterwise x 1

Goal 1:70kg - Done 6 Aug 2013
Goal 2: 65kg - Scheduled 20 Aug 13
Goal 3: Start pole-dance lessons
Goal 4: 60kg
Goal 5: Start refeed
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