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Old 25-05-2008, 11:46
Soon2BSlim Female Soon2BSlim is offline
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Question Physical Changes apart from weight loss

As I've been reading through various diaries and other posts I've noticed a number of people have mentioned physical changes that they are experiencing in their bodies, since starting Cohen's, apart from the weight loss. They are things like "Dowagers Hump" disappearing, skin changes, feet shrinking ... and many more.

Anyway, I thought it would be good to put them all in one place as it would make interesting reading but also, when you find changes happening in your body others can identify with those things and possibly look forward to those changes themselves.

For myself, my biggest change has been my skin. At 44 my skin had become quite dry and leathery but within about 2-3 weeks of being on Cohen's it had undergone a dramatic change and has become soft and moist, almost like baby skin. Oh yes, I love the feel of my new skin!

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Old 25-05-2008, 14:30
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Thumbs up Body Changes

After 60 plus kg -

Shoe size by 1 to 1.5
Hat size by two sizes
Hair is dry and straw like - have been told it will go back to normal after re feed - not confirmed though
skin has shrunk but now as I near re feed its more obvious and starting to show more as excess - or hanging more than say at 40 or 50 kg lose mark
Body fat gone around other areas of body - bonny bum etc and some things have even in effect grown.
Blood taking much better for doc and nurse - veins showing on arms and legs.
Little fatty lumps under arms - gone.
Flexability - can scratch all my own back and cut toe nails no problems
Can now balance on one leg
Can jump up 5 stairs at rear entry to house
Can climb over or under a netting front fence at any time - do not have to find a gate or hole in fence.
Can clean gutters on roof without fear of falling over the roof edge because of front pulling stomache
Can work under motor vehicle without usinga jack and blocks
Can tie my shoes with out standing two steps down.

I know you where talking about body parts as such but I just had to add the others in - after 30 years of not doing it is so very very good !!!!!!!

and the list will go on and on and on doubt ...great post to start Soon2BSlim !!!!!
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Old 30-06-2013, 07:00
marg Female marg is offline
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Default Re: Body Changes

Wow that sounds amazing
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Old 25-05-2008, 16:51
lessfatty Male lessfatty is offline
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The disappearance of a lifetime of asthma (I had it bad).

Refeed Completed 1-Apr-2007
Target to stay under 80KG.
After muscle mass gain attending gym + kendo, 85KG
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Awesome post - Thank You from :-
Old 25-05-2008, 17:07
Soon2BSlim Female Soon2BSlim is offline
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Hey Andy

Isn't it just great to be able to do things you had little hope of being able to do again! All those things that skinny people take for granted. Well done on your weight loss and thanks for your feedback. I'd be interested to see how long it takes for your hair to feel normal again.

Thanks too for your feedback lessfatty. Fantastic news about your asthma going. Wow! I bet you feel like you really are a new person! Did you find your asthma disappearing gradually or did you just wake up one day and realise that you hadn't had an attack for a while?

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Old 25-05-2008, 18:34
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My NYF Diary

No more acid reflux at nights
No more High Blood Pressure
My Original Weight-Loss Chart. . . . Personal Target: 69kg; End of refeed: 68.2kg; 1 year later: 69.5kg; 2 years later: 71.5kg; 3 years later: 65.5kg; 6 years later: 68.5kg
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Old 25-05-2008, 18:42
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Lightbulb Snoring - how could I forget !!!!

Snoring - stopped completely !!!!

How could I have forgotten that one .....about three or four weeks after starting my wife started to sleep again after about ten years of shaking and prodding and poking me about every hour.

Also - I was having all the sore joints and headaches and the normal coughs and colds - which I have had absolutely zero - the only headache was in the last week after a upset of my plan and I am so convinced it was directly connected to my upset week.
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Old 25-05-2008, 19:06
shell Female shell is offline
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No heartburn for me!
Started 20/8/07 111kg
Reached Goal 21/4/08 61kg (35 weeks)

Total lost 50kg!!
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Old 26-05-2008, 21:53
lessfatty Male lessfatty is offline
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Originally Posted by Soon2BSlim View Post
Thanks too for your feedback lessfatty. Fantastic news about your asthma going. Wow! I bet you feel like you really are a new person! Did you find your asthma disappearing gradually or did you just wake up one day and realise that you hadn't had an attack for a while?

I was taking preventatives, and realized that I didnt even wease anymore, so I stopped taking the prevantives (seratide) "cold turkey" I got some weasing, and started taking seratide again, but I then gradually reduced the dosage over 30 days or so and at the end no weasing or anything.

Having milk in particular or too much bread or beer also gets me I just need to stay clear of those foods.

Actually I think there is a link between Asthma and Insulin, this would also explain the rapid rise of asthma and obesity in our societies.

The "safe set" of Cohen foods really do have huge benefits even for those not doing a plan as such, I think anyone could get 80% of the effect of Cohen just be eating the foods on his list.

Refeed Completed 1-Apr-2007
Target to stay under 80KG.
After muscle mass gain attending gym + kendo, 85KG

Last edited by lessfatty; 26-05-2008 at 21:56.
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Old 30-05-2008, 11:04
shell Female shell is offline
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Legs dont rub together to start a bushfire anymore!!

Started 20/8/07 111kg
Reached Goal 21/4/08 61kg (35 weeks)

Total lost 50kg!!
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Awesome post - A Thank You from :-
Old 30-05-2008, 13:00
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Wink Pistol shooting

At Pistol shooting the other day I shot a perfect score - stability and flexibility so much better - and correct foot placing etc - so watch out - run from me.........and it'll hit ya !!!!!!!
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Old 28-09-2022, 13:31
James90 Male James90 is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

I experienced a similar circumstance as well while on the diet.
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Old 26-05-2008, 19:16
Tuti Female Tuti is offline
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Headaches gone.
Skin rashes cleared up.
Cellulite GONE! (Cannot believe this)
Complexion has improved.
Best sleep I have ever had.
Hexi.. know what you mean about being harder to shave underarms

I only had 12kg to lose so I am really happy to have experience these benefits of the diet.

The biggest benefit to me is none of the above but the way I feel - fantastic. I have such a better outlook on life these days. It is actually something that I find difficult to explain.


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Old 26-05-2008, 19:28
Soon2BSlim Female Soon2BSlim is offline
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Too true Aj and Hexi, there are negatives as well as positives with losing weight. I don't know anyone who would say they'd rather not have those negatives and be fat again, and the positive of being thin has to outweigh the negatives by far.

It's also good to read about the negatives because when we face negatives it's encouraging to know we aren't the only ones. If others can cope and be happy being thin, despite the negatives then it's a good place to be and helps us to make sure we don't put all the weight on again. Who really wants to be fat? Not me! Being fat means aches and pains all over not to mention a myriad of "minor" complaints like not fitting into plane seats, not being able to play with the kids etc.

Thanks for pointing out that it's not all positive changes, it's good to keep things in perspective.

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Old 24-05-2009, 18:55
Doing it for ME Female Doing it for ME is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

The bigger eyes like FlaMie mentioned is probably my favorite gain from the program, but also the feeling that I'm no longer a fat lazy unworthy person.
I never realised how much I had started to hate myself, so now, a little more love in my life is also a great gain from the program!
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Old 25-05-2009, 16:19
carrieanne_c Female carrieanne_c is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

Glad you are feeling better about yourself.
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Old 27-05-2009, 06:48
nicole Female nicole is offline
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Question Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss (SHOE SIZE)


Speaking of good side-affects of cohens: If we go down a shoe size will our Cohen's goal weight then change? I know on the Cohen's website if you change the size of your shoe your goal weight changes so what do you think?

Would be interested to know all your opinions?

A good affect for me is being able to sleep like a baby, my breathing not being squashed by my chest when lying on my back, bigger eyes (YAY), being more lady-like, like no smashing into walls like I used to (I know it sounds funny but when you have insulation you dont think about it as much). One more is not being puffed when walking up a hill! It’s crazy but a 20kg difference (from my original original weight) can make ALL the difference!!!

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Last edited by nicole; 27-05-2009 at 07:37. Reason: edits
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Old 27-05-2009, 13:58
Lorner Female Lorner is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss


These changes that everyone is experienceing are really great.
For me no more pains in the knees and ankles when walking down the stairs. (These stopped in the first two weeks)
Sleeping much better.
Cant wait to find out what the next 10kg loss will bring

My Skin is much clearer and I luv my new thiner face.
More Confidence
Lovelly feeling when trying clothes on that actually fit and look good.

Starting Weight 96kg Goal Weight 58kg
Lost 38kg on Cohens
Refeed starting weight 58.2Kg
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Old 04-06-2009, 04:34
carrieanne_c Female carrieanne_c is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

some sandals from last year are too big.
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Old 04-06-2009, 21:39
Shanara Female Shanara is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

I love my new body - the weight loss is fantastic. The definite best side-effect is the change in my health.

Whilst i wasn't sick before - I definitely never felt fantastic.

Now every day my body feels fantastic. Haven't been sick with colds or flu at all so far this winter. That is a plus.

The best part is I am going for another sleep apnea test to see if I still have it. My breathing machine is showing that I am still engaging it as I sleep, as it cuts in automatically when there is any apnea. But not very often. So, depending on what this test is showing I may be able to give away the machine for good. even if I only have it mildly I can just use the machine sometimes.

Apparently sleep apnea has two causes. One is overweight and snoring. the other is from the brain stem and if this is part of my problem then i will still have it even after loosing the weight. Science has no way to fix that cause - yet.

I have had lots of other medical good news - my blood pressure is great - has gone down heaps. was bordering on high before Cohens.

I love the way I can move now and the other day was amazed when i went for a walk that I could walk far further then I could walk when I used to go for walks almost every day! Love also my legs don't rub together anymore - used to give me hell in summer. Dancing is so fun now and I can move in ways that I haven't done for years.

I was in danger of developing a widow's hump - it's humped off - no sign of it!

yes, I feel much healthier.

Precohens 13/10/08: Cohens 29/10/08 1st 5kgs 30/10/08 lost 60kgs 20/6/09 Now learning about maintaining.THANK YOU SO MUCH DR COHEN.
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