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Old 27-08-2007, 20:08
annemarie Female annemarie is offline
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Default starting today!!

hi, my name is annemarie and I live in the Uk. I have followed the Cohen program before and lost 4 stone in total is as many months which was amazing. What was amazing too is how quick it was and how brilliant I felt. The results were unbelievable and I felt like a new person for the first time in my life after trying diet after diet. Then I suddenly started the menopause last year at 39 and a combination of other stressful things I piled the weight on again and before I knew it I was back to my old habits (comfort eating, weight going up so eating more and promising to start again tomorrow, but tomorrow never came etc etc!!!)
I am now back to 13.8 and feel so unhealthy and have no clothes that fit etc including my work uniform which is so tight and uncomfortable. I feel like such a failure that I have allowed this to happen after finding the life-changing Cohen program and doing so well on it. But enough is enough and today, 27th August I am starting again and hopefully for the last time. I found this forum and have read some of your messages and find it so encouraging to see how wonderful you are all doing, so I am hoping that whilst I am following the program and after I finish it will help me to keep on track and give me encouragment. I know the next few days are going to be the worse, but I know that if I can get through the first 4-5 days I should be ok, but please please anyone out there any tips etc would be really appreciated cos I am so depressed with how I look/feel at the moment that this has got to be the last time!!! I have a wonderful husband and a lively 4 year old and I want to succeed for them as much as for me as when I lost the weight a year and a half ago I was a much happier, confident person and I want to be there again. So here goes!!............................
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Old 27-08-2007, 20:42
minime Female minime is offline
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Default Re: starting today!!

HI Annemarie,

Firstly congratulations and welcome back to Cohens.

For whatever reasons we get ourselves here take heart in the fact that you have taken the first steps in getting to the you that you want to be. Slimness and health are something that needs to be worked at. You know that as you have done it before. But it isn't a quick fix. For a lot of us it is something that will always be a journey and often a struggle to maintain.

Food does not nurture us or comfort us. Food nourishes us. It keeps us alive. But it does not help us to live a happy life. We do. Our families, friendships and the choices we make in life bring us to who we are.

A piece of advice is to not think that the next few days are going to be the worst - but think of them as the best, as this is the start of a slimmer, healthier and happier you. Take a before photo. Keep it where you can reach it in times that you think you may be slipping. Write down why it is that you are doing this and what it is that you want to achieve by successfully completing the program. Refer back to it as often as you need.

If you fall off - get straight back on. One meal soon turns into the days allowance. The days soon turn into weeks and weeks months and kg by kg you will get to where you need to be.

Start up a diary on here. Jump on this site as often as you need to. We are all here to achieve the same thing and everyone here is full of advice, support and encouragement.

Best wishes

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Old 27-08-2007, 21:08
annemarie Female annemarie is offline
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hi Minime, thank you so much for your reply and your advice - I had not thought of it that way and you are so right!!! I really appreciate words of encouragement!!
Well over here in UK it is midday and I have a late shift starting at 1500 (I work at Heathrow Airport) I will be finishing at 2300 tonight so it is going to be a long day!! I am just about to go and prepare my meals to take with me and get through today. I will log in again tonight when I think it will be morning in Aus where I guess most of you are!!! Hope you all have a nice day and I look forward to speaking to you again later xxxx
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Old 28-08-2007, 12:52
trishk Female trishk is offline
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Hi Annemarie

I also started my programme yesterday. I think that for the majority of us, this is not our first attempt at losing weight. Every time I have started a new 'diet' my darling husband gives me that look. You know that look that says Ah hah here we go again! But I always say to him that I can keep on doing some thing or else I can just throw my hands up and say no more. Ihave chosen the path of if I fall off my horse, someone give me a leg up so I can ride again!
Next week I'm sure that you will be feeling more positive; the first few days are always the hardest are'nt they?

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Old 28-08-2007, 16:31
kagiesen Female kagiesen is offline
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Good on you, Andy!

I've had my blood test today and hope to get started by Monday.

So far, I am sort of sliding into it by trying to eat cohenian. So no carbs, no sugars, the veggie protein mix, 5 hours between proteins etc. until I get my own measurements. 120 gr is nothing!!! So am am feeling hungry already.

I bought scales, checked out the butcher (yes, they mince all meat for me), studied the yogurts.

I want to loose about 12 kilos. My husband said he'd pay half of the fee once I get to whatever Dr. Cohen sees as my ideal weight. That was nice encouragement.

My main problem is uncontrolled eating during the night, and that's when I eat all the naughty stuff. Apparently, it has to do with reduction of serotonin so I think I can't sleep unless I eat. Also, my body is just bizarre the way it pumps out insulin if I have had something sugary. About 10 years ago, I did a glucose tolerance test, and once I had left the doctor's practice, she called me at work and asked me if I was feeling alright and recommended I eat something real quick, as my blood sugar level had gone so far down. So feed me a bit of sugar, and I'll feel terrible within 30 mins, and I still do it though.....

Anybody else out there who's got the night eating binge thing?



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Old 29-08-2007, 08:08
annemarie Female annemarie is offline
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Hi Trish, thanks for your message also. Well today is day 2 and I have managed to stick to plan 100% without any deviation. I was tempted at one point this evening whilst at work (having a particularly bad shift!!!!) but I did not cheat... It is so easy to just say to yourself ' i will start again tomorrow!!! many times have we said that - i really do wish I had a pound for every time i said that and thought that - i would be really rich!!!! I do have a bad headache and feel abit sicky but I guess body is in state of shock!! I know I will feel better in another couple of days but it is just getting there.
My husband is the same - he says he loves me whatever weight and size I am but he thinks it is hilarious everytime I say ' I am starting tomorrow!!'
Anyway tomorrow is day 3 so it can only get easier and remembering the results first time round on Cohen ( unlike any other diet I have tried) it will be a small price to pay to be strict for 4/5 months. I keep thinking by Christmas I should be at my target weight and picturing how I am going to feel and look has to help me keep focused.Anyway, good night to you all and stay focused!!!!
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Old 29-08-2007, 20:53
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Default Re: starting today!!

Hi Annemarie,
i really do wish I had a pound for every time i said that and thought that - i would be really rich!!!!
Or really fat !!! :P You must be from another country - here, we speak dollars now (but pounds were legal tender some decades back...)

Sorry, I shouldn't joke - but I couldn't help but see the funny side of it - forgive me??


Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!
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Old 30-08-2007, 02:30
annemarie Female annemarie is offline
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Default struggling already!!!

hi k, yes rich and fat!!!!Course I forgive you and yes I see the funny side of it too!!
All jokes aside though I am on day 3 and at the moment I am really struggling. All I keep thinking of is grabbing something nice to eat. I am so hungry but I have still got 3 hours before my dinner. I am trying to keep busy and I have just painted my nails but I have this little voice in my head that is trying to lead me astray!!!!
help anyone!!!.........................
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Old 30-08-2007, 08:23
Melissa Female Melissa is offline
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Default Re: starting today!!

Hi Annemarie,

Don't listen to that voice or your grumbling tum you will win this race if you perservere.

Have you had any gum, fruit, soda or crackers today. Just something little to tide you over. If you find this time of the day particually difficult keep something from your program for now so as you have a planned snack. When I first started or now if I am bored I find that I am better with a menu for the day and then there is only 2.5 hours between having something.

All the best and keep going.

Revisit restarted May 21, 2009

First started May 26, 2007 97.5kg; Cohens Goal range 51-54kg
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Old 30-08-2007, 09:05
Ecogirl Female Ecogirl is offline
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Default Re: starting today!!

When my tummy is rumbling I drink a can of Sprite Zero - this helps to keep me occupied and lessens the rumblings.

I also have a piece of fruit about 1 - 1.5 hrs before dinner cos that's when I get hungry and the fruit seems to tide me over.

You'll work out what works for you
keep on plodding

ReStart date: Sunday 4th May 2008
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Old 30-08-2007, 13:59
Debs Female Debs is offline
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Default Re: starting today!!

HI Annemarie

Is it possible to contact your clinic and tell them that you are ravenously hungry? They may be abl to adjust your programme slightly which may help/....

Just a thought

Thinking of you

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