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Old 15-12-2007, 02:41
huiruhan Female huiruhan is offline
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Default Weight Loss but not much inch loss?

Hi everyone,

I've started on my programme for more than 3 weeks now... my consultant told me that the fat loss in on a weekly cycle, and the weight-loss is on my monthly one, so I should take weekly measurements, but only weigh once in a while...but well, I can't resist but weigh myself every other day.

The thing is, while my weight loss is OK (could be better, but I'm not complaining), my inch loss (especially for bust and waist) is rather negligible!

In the order of: Bust, Waist, Hips, Arms and Thighs
First week: 42.5, 37, 41, 13, 24
2nd week: 41.5, 36.5, 40.25, 12.5, 23.75
3rd week: 41.5, 36, 39.5, 12.25, 23

I just measured, and I'm QUITE sure, my bust size is back to 42 again. This is so confusing! Does inch loss occur in spurts? If my inch loss is so little, does it mean the weight that I'm losing is not fat?

If anyone can share their experience about their inch loss I'll be so grateful!!

<br /><br /><br />started: 29/11/07
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Old 15-12-2007, 08:31
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Default Re: Weight Loss but not much inch loss?

I didn't actually measure myself weekly, more like monthly to begin with as I didn't notice a lot of change. It's hard to measure yourself though.. is someone else doing it for you? I always try to make sure I'm wearing similar clothes etc & measuring on the same point is important too.

When you're losing weight & inches, well for me anyway, the weight can move around a bit, redistribute.

I tend to weigh myself every other day, but I don't pay too much attention to the numbers.. it's the number my consultant gives me once every 4 weeks that I take notice of.

I've been doing Cohen's for about 8 months now.. I had my biggest inch loss last month. Some months it's really slow & others it's HUGE.. I guess everyones bodies are different, but believe me one day you'll drop heaps & you'll look back to what you were & be amazed.

Hang in there.. looks to me like you're doing REALLY well
158 kilos 24th April 2007 ~ 68 kilos 24th April 2008 ~ 90 kilos lost in 12 months
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Old 15-12-2007, 08:58
Debs Female Debs is offline
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Default Re: Weight Loss but not much inch loss?

HI huiruhan

I struggled with this a little bit too.....

I think that the fat deposits amalgamate and slide a little bit too...

My waist measurements actually went up after 3 weeks....and I know Baloo had the same problem when he started...

It really is to do with our bodies changing shape as we lose weight..

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Old 15-12-2007, 09:58
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Default Re: Weight Loss but not much inch loss?

Hi Huiruhan,

And welcome aboard. I can't help with too much, but, re this:-
If my inch loss is so little, does it mean the weight that I'm losing is not fat?
... I recall reading just a few days ago that actual "fat-burning" doesn't start until after 21 days. Sorry, I can't recall who said it (Asy? perhaps) - but if I've remembered correctly, you have just started the "fat burning in earnest" a few days ago.

Hope that helps. Since you are measuring in inches, I'm guessing you are not in Australia. Care to share where you are? Doesn't matter if you don't - just intereested, that's all.

Welcome again, I hope you stick around and soak up the good vibes that permeate this place,

Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!
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Old 15-12-2007, 13:57
meagain Female meagain is offline
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Default Re: Weight Loss but not much inch loss?

Hi Huiruhan,

I notice it goes in cycles, and yes sometimes spots go up. I always wished I had measured my bum as well as what is in the book - my bum was the ultimate fat storer I reckon.

Don't stress too much - soemthimes you feel like nothing is happening and then - all of a sudden - woosh - you're down a size, fitting into clothes at he back of the wardrobe or having to look for smaller clothes at the shops.

I hope that helps.
Refeed finished - cultivating inner slim chick so we can stay on track.
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Old 16-12-2007, 01:38
huiruhan Female huiruhan is offline
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Default Re: Weight Loss but not much inch loss?

Thank you for your replies! I think I will just grit my teeth, hang in there, and just stop measuring obsessively! I was just so inspired after reading about people who could start buying smaller clothes, that I wished to start shedding inches quickly.

Koohinoor - I'm from Singapore. Well, we go by metric here as well, but... somehow I also think of body measurements in terms on inches...come to think of it, I don't quite know why...

Debs - thanks! It's nice to know someone had the same experience as what I'm going through!

Let's persevere together!

<br /><br /><br />started: 29/11/07
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Old 16-12-2007, 04:48
Pudge Female Pudge is offline
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Default Re: Weight Loss but not much inch loss?

I didn't big drops at anytime during and still don't but it's steady. I just figured if a area was a .5 or 1 inch more the next time I measured I figured it was the way I did it. As long as your clothes are fitting looser don't get bummed out this works.
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Old 22-12-2007, 12:08
huiruhan Female huiruhan is offline
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Default Re: Weight Loss but not much inch loss?

Happy to report that I just measured myself, and I do see some cm loss (I realized it is better for my motivation to measure in smaller denominations) from my waist and arms. My chest though, remains more or less the same. But the upper body has always been my problem area. I'm top heavy, and when I lose weight, it's always from my comparatively small hips first. Anyway, as long as the tummy loses some inches I am happy too. Hopefully the fat loss will move upwards, and I will stop looking like a rugby player. (V. weird for a woman). :P
<br /><br /><br />started: 29/11/07
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inch , loss , weight

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