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Old 02-09-2010, 08:21
mcpsych Male mcpsych is offline

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Default Re: Share Your Tips to "Help" - Anything That Might Work For Others on the Program

look at my sharpei photo ( that should scare the kiddies hehe)

Start- 184.9kg, Goal 84.9 Current 84.3kg Centimetres lost: 248
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Old 02-09-2010, 10:12
wavesnred Female wavesnred is offline
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Default Re: Share Your Tips to "Help" - Anything That Might Work For Others on the Program

Originally Posted by Nessie View Post
I read some where that if you ever feel like cheating make sure you eat what you want in front of a full length mirror NAKED LOL
I just posted in my diary how I'm struggling with being bored with my Cohen's foods. This will cure me!!!
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Old 02-09-2010, 15:52
carrieanne_c Female carrieanne_c is offline
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Eat solid food with cocktail size fork and soups with espresso size spoons.
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Old 06-09-2010, 02:45
TeacupPig Female TeacupPig is offline
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Default Re: Share Your Tips to "Help" - Anything That Might Work For Others on the Program

One thing that kept me motivated in the last 2 months was letting all my friends and family know that I was on this diet. At first there were some brutally honest ones who said "No way are you reaching your goal weight!" but they only challenged/motivated me.

I guess it's all about pride. It'd be pretty embarrassing for me if they knew I was on a diet but didn't get any thinner haha. This is just a way of proving to myself (and to them too) that I CAN do anything I set my mind on.
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Old 14-09-2010, 14:56
Lariese Female Lariese is offline
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Default Re: Share Your Tips to "Help" - Anything That Might Work For Others on the Program

Originally Posted by TeacupPig View Post
One thing that kept me motivated in the last 2 months was letting all my friends and family know that I was on this diet.
I agree 100% - I only just started but this is the first time I have broadcasted to the world that I am changing my lifestyle. My work colleagues know - my family know (including my in-laws!) and i am telling my friends one by one that i won't be catching up over food as we usually would. People are really supportive which of course means i feel like staying on track - and yes it is a matter of pride!

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Old 15-09-2010, 10:59
mcpsych Male mcpsych is offline

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Default Re: Share Your Tips to "Help" - Anything That Might Work For Others on the Program

i think, in order to succeed you need to develop a level of bldy mindedness- i dont care what you say i will prove you wrong and i will do this

Start- 184.9kg, Goal 84.9 Current 84.3kg Centimetres lost: 248
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Old 15-09-2010, 17:03
TeacupPig Female TeacupPig is offline
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Default Re: Share Your Tips to "Help" - Anything That Might Work For Others on the Program

Yes! And it feels so good every time I see them cause they all get so shocked at how much weight I've lost already. So NOW they're supportive. I guess they don't want to embarrass themselves if they say I won't be able to do it. It's funny how the tables have turned.
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Old 21-11-2010, 12:30
goodlucktummy Female goodlucktummy is offline
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Default Re: Share Your Tips to "Help" - Anything That Might Work For Others on the Program

- buy a really nice, insulated lunchbox so that you have no excuse to not bring your food with you. throw in a few Tupperware kits.

- hold yourself accountable to the public... especially friends and family. tell them you're on a diet. they're there to support you. Announce it on facebook so that everyone knows. it might be a little humiliating but at least it'll keep you on track as you wouldn't want to disappoint everyone, especially yourself. (This tip might not be for everyone but it's working for me!)
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Old 01-03-2011, 18:57
sarebear83 Female sarebear83 is offline
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Default Re: Share Your Tips to "Help" - Anything That Might Work For Others on the Program

this is an awesome thread, found it in another thread somewhere and thought I'd give my two cents:

mine would be - life doesn't need to revolve around food
- catch up with friends and go see a movie or walk around the river instead of going for dinner

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Old 01-03-2011, 19:23
cmb86 Female cmb86 is offline
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Default Re: Share Your Tips to "Help" - Anything That Might Work For Others on the Program

I have a big A3 peice of paper on the floor next to my bed that I've written a list of goals and "wishes" so every morning when I get out of bed its staring at me in the face, it keeps me motivated. I get a little excited now because I truely beleive I will get there... bring on those skinny leg jeans!
I can do this & I will do this 2011.

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Old 01-03-2011, 20:29
ciaranfurness Female ciaranfurness is offline
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I have a picture of the body I want with my head on it, on my vision board so I see it everyday and I also have the same picture as my screen saver on my cellphone Helps keep the motivation going

Cohens Re-Start Weight 03/08/13: 85.7kgs Goal Weight: 70kgs (will reassess when I get to 70, may go lower as recommended range is 58-61)
Goal One - Get BMI under 30 DONE Goal Two - Under 85 kgs DONE Goal Three - Under 80 kgs Goal Four - Under 75 kgs Goal Five - Under 70kgs Goal Six - be in the healthy BMI range
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Old 11-03-2011, 02:29
beijingpal Female beijingpal is offline
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Default Re: Share Your Tips to "Help" - Anything That Might Work For Others on the Progr

Your advise touched me. I am always rushing to get to goal wait... to eat, eat eat!
but like you said, this is just the beginning of a healthy lifestyle.

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Old 14-03-2011, 03:05
beijingpal Female beijingpal is offline
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Default Re: Share Your Tips to "Help" - Anything That Might Work For Others on the Program

Okay, i thought about my experience these two weeks and came to this conclusion.

Tell everyone you are on a diet, you'll be surprised at how everyone will support you!

Be patient with yourself. You will get there is a month, 10 months, 15 months, but you will if you stick to it.

Eat before going to any party. Or arrive late so they have all eaten.

Make a list of your menu for the week, of course it can be changed anytime but at least make a least. I noticed that i only changed 2-3 meals from the menu i did .

Work hard in the office so you get your mind off food.

happy dieting!

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Old 17-05-2018, 19:43
justakiwig Female justakiwig is offline
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Default Re: Share Your Tips to "Help" - Anything That Might Work For Others on the Program

Loving these classics Koh - it’s so hard to find positivity when a lot of people focus on the negative. I’m always trawling the forum reading completed diaries and words of wisdom from others - it’s actually helpful that it’s quiet cause I can take in everything.


First goal <140 - done 25/04
2nd goal <130 - done 28/05
3rd goal <120 - done 20/07
4th goal - 110
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Old 17-05-2018, 21:06
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One comment I used to hear now and then was "I couldn't live on this small amount of food for the rest of my life".....

Even if it sounds like an excuse to give up, the main thing is that the speaker was dead right. You WON'T be living on that small amount once you reach your goal - you can't; you would starve !!

The amount of food you are eating on Plan is devised to keep your core body sufficiently well-fuelled to survive, but not fuelled enough to perambulate you. Thus, the moving you do daily is fuelled by the fat you had previously stored, but is now shifting as it breaks down to provide energy to move.

Once you reach Refeed, the amount of food grows until it almost seems to be "too much" for some. And, once on Maintenance, you can even handle the odd treat here and there - much the way things were meant to be. e.g. eat an occasional square or two of chocolate (not the whole slab though). You will still need to "watch it" - but not so badly if you add exercise to the daily mix as well.

In short, don't let any pre-conceived ideas (often alarming to consider) mess up this carefully constructed Plan for your future good health. It will work if you let it - and mightily so. Make it your mission to "give it your best shot", not your half-assed version, and you will surprise yourself and no doubt a multitude of others around you.

Rock on,
Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!
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Old 17-05-2018, 21:13
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Default Re: Share Your Tips to "Help" - Anything That Might Work For Others on the Program

Hi Just,
I’m always trawling the forum reading completed diaries and words of wisdom from others
You keep right on doing what you are doing. Seems to me you have this whole thing sussed. I reckon you've already won, but you just need to stay in the game doing what you do until the final whistle sounds. And yeah, enjoy this place while you wait - why not?

I look forward to hearing more as you break ever new ground and that smile just keeps getting wider - that is usually how it goes on here.

Rock on Just,

Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!
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Old 12-09-2018, 14:15
Laroc Female Laroc is offline
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Default Re: Share Your Tips to "Help" - Anything That Might Work For Others on the Program

you are a KIVA ANGEL...
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