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Old 01-07-2015, 00:01
V(S)exy Female V(S)exy is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

1. The rapidness of the losses
2. The transformation from flab to fab
3. We all speak Cohen, no matter where you are from, we are on the same plan
4. Excellent value for money
5. Confidence! Wow feeling good about yourself make such a difference.
6. Succeeding - helping you to take on other things in life that seemed impossible.
7. Variety in choice of clothing
8. To be in the body you always wanted to be
9. To feel healthy
10. The list is really endless.....

Goal 1 - to be under 90 in 30 days
Goal 2 - to be under 85 in 60 days
Goal 3 - to be under 80 in 90 days
Goal 4 - to be on re-feed in month 4
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Old 02-01-2016, 18:49
sunshinyday Female sunshinyday is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

Hi Every one

Just wanted to keep this one alive. I have found it fascinating the changes not just physical but also mentally with everyone.

My changes are:

No more jiggling as I'm walking
No more rolls over the top of my pants
I'm wearing dresses!!!! because my legs don't get so sweaty and rubbing together.
Can curl up in chair and read a book
Can bend over without puffing and shave legs paint toenails put on sandshoes socks you all know what I mean
Can do yoga and enjoy it
My legs don't feel tight and swollen and I have ankles yayyyyy
Still getting used to seeing myself in shop windows or mirrors and expecting the big girl and theres this skinny ass ***** staring at me (scuse language) Think this one will take a while but very happy!! lol
Husband follows me around like a puppy dog (always thought I was sexy but at least now I wont flatten him like a pancake if I decide to pounce)
Husband said I am so much genuinely happier throughout the day and I smile more and am calmer and more in tune with everything
So so many more but you get the gist.
Almost at refeed so am looking forward to finishing but so wish I had done this years ago I have wasted so many years not doing things because of my weight but I guess at the time I didn't put it down to this. Anybody out there not sure read through the other lists and tell me you don't want to feel this good.


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Old 29-01-2016, 04:13
Soon2BSlim Female Soon2BSlim is offline
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"Just follow the plan, maintain your new habits and you will be rewarded!"
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Old 15-02-2017, 22:45
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

Well, with a further 12 months gone by since the last post, it is surely time for another "Bump".

This would be one of my favouritest threads in all of NewYou.

Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!
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Old 17-02-2017, 22:25
Kristine.. Female Kristine.. is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

Originally Posted by bubble View Post
From having chest pains EVERY day for months as well as kidney/gallbladder pains to not one twinge since day 1 on cohens. I have not only saved on painkillers but my life as well
Hey bubble

How are you? I am back on the Forum after a gap of, well actually, a few years!

I thought your comment about the pains and twinges very interesting. You made this comment 13-11-2010, if you still visit the Forum occasionally, I would be interested in hearing how the aches and pains are now.

I work at the computer and have all sorts of sitting-in-the-one-position aches and twinges (twinges is a good word). This is my Third Week on EP2017 and I think you're right, some of the nerve twinges seem to be lesser than usual

Could just be the happy and optimistic frame of mind, or it could be the anti-inflammatory .... or probably more to the point, the lack of inflammatory, food!

Lotsa love

Lost 28 kilos in 2006, 15 kilos twice since then, 25 kilos in 2017 and 12 kilos in 2019. 2020 was a struggle so back to lose 10 kilo in 2021. Looking Forward To It!

Last edited by Kristine..; 17-02-2017 at 22:26. Reason: Inserting Date of Quoted Post
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Old 20-10-2017, 09:21
annagirl Female annagirl is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

Just adding my bits and pieces to this post for those coming up behind me, I cannot recommend Cohens enough for sorting our girly health issues and other stuff, yes doing cohens can be hard, yes it is restrictive and yes sometimes you will want to give up but for your own health and well being push through it and focus on and enjoy the benefits.

I have Graves disease, I was hyperthyroid but have had 2 doses of radiation so now have no thyroid function at all, I am on medication for the rest of my life, I have just had to reduce my thyroid medication as I was over medicated and having hyperthyroid symptoms

My skin is better and clearer than its been in forever, nails growing really well etc

I sleep better

Way more energy

I have exercised throughout cohens, I did before I started, and its SO much easier, I recover better and I can actually walk the next day no problems (I used to have to free the body up with a good couple of vodkas on a Saturday night after a hard game of netball)

No PCOS symptoms at all and regular 'normal' periods even with a mirena and I have always suffered hideous periods and agonizing middle cycle pain

I no longer have to shop in the 'fat chicks' section of any shop, I have gone from a size 18 to a size 10, I can do all the things above, the tucking my foot behind my other leg when my legs are crossed etc

I just feel so much happier in myself, I can look at myself in the mirror and not feel distaste for what I saw looking back at me, I am not killing myself doing ridiculous bootcamp classes every week putting huge strain on my body and joints to try and get on top of the weight, I am not lying to myself any more, strong is NOT the new skinny, strong is good but slim and strong is amazing.


Finished refeed @ 25 weeks - lost 37 kg - 100 grams below goal.
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Old 25-10-2017, 14:24
tess840 Female tess840 is offline
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Originally Posted by annagirl View Post
Just adding my bits and pieces to this post for those coming up behind me, I cannot recommend Cohens enough for sorting our girly health issues and other stuff, yes doing cohens can be hard, yes it is restrictive and yes sometimes you will want to give up but for your own health and well being push through it and focus on and enjoy the benefits.

I have Graves disease, I was hyperthyroid but have had 2 doses of radiation so now have no thyroid function at all, I am on medication for the rest of my life, I have just had to reduce my thyroid medication as I was over medicated and having hyperthyroid symptoms

My skin is better and clearer than its been in forever, nails growing really well etc

I sleep better

Way more energy

I have exercised throughout cohens, I did before I started, and its SO much easier, I recover better and I can actually walk the next day no problems (I used to have to free the body up with a good couple of vodkas on a Saturday night after a hard game of netball)

No PCOS symptoms at all and regular 'normal' periods even with a mirena and I have always suffered hideous periods and agonizing middle cycle pain

I no longer have to shop in the 'fat chicks' section of any shop, I have gone from a size 18 to a size 10, I can do all the things above, the tucking my foot behind my other leg when my legs are crossed etc

I just feel so much happier in myself, I can look at myself in the mirror and not feel distaste for what I saw looking back at me, I am not killing myself doing ridiculous bootcamp classes every week putting huge strain on my body and joints to try and get on top of the weight, I am not lying to myself any more, strong is NOT the new skinny, strong is good but slim and strong is amazing.


Love this! You just reminded me about all the things I remember loving about Cohens last time! Thanks for the extra motivation x

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Old 17-11-2017, 14:39
Marmaduke Female Marmaduke is offline
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What a great thread!

I started the program a year after having a baby and putting on over 30 kilos. I'm now 9kg from goal and 6 months in.

I had a lot of pelvic inflammation and hip aches which made walking very painful and it's completely gone. Feels so good and I'm saving so much on Physiotherapy

My snoring is also much improved (I'm told, LOL) and most important of all I'm physically much more able, can play with my son and chase him around the park and even fit on the slide all of which were impossible for me 6 months ago

The downside is thinner hair and fatigue if my meals are late which they often are because, well, toddler! But really that's nothing compared to the lightness of spirit and calmness of mind that comes with knowing I'm looking after myself and can look after my family better.

We are going through a bit of a tough time as hubby is quite unwell and I just can't imagine the sheer darkness of how tough it'd be to cope with it if I didn't have the joy of my physical capability to be able to support my family.

Goal range: 59kg - 62kg
Start Date: 14/1/2012
Refeed Start Date: 1/8/2012 - 18/8/2012
Drop by for a visit at my maintenance diary:Maintaining Marmaduke
Or my refeed diary: Marmaduke's Refeed Diary
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Old 09-04-2018, 09:16
justakiwig Female justakiwig is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

Watch strap - you will have to tighten that lol
Shoe size - will start to reduce quite quickly - particularly when your feet stop swelling up at the end of the day, you will literally walk out of them (don’t worry it’s funny LOL)
Breathing - as your chins start to leave breathing particularly when lying flat is much much easier - get ready for a better nights sleep
Pants rolling up - this just can’t be me lol - but I found the waist band on my pants is no longer getting sucked into the vortex that is (was) my back rolls so less pulling them down - which is great cause I’m sure people were wondering what I was doing ahahaha

Just some pearls of wisdom to share -

First goal <140 - done 25/04
2nd goal <130 - done 28/05
3rd goal <120 - done 20/07
4th goal - 110
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Old 18-09-2018, 08:46
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

Time for a bump....

Just browsing, and it occurred to me that "Bump" hardly inspires new readers to "take a look" at this thread - so I'm going to try a new tactic - how's this:-

"Hay-fever GONE!"

And, see the very next post in that link to read about
"Clinical Depression GONE" - it was ruining one girl's life, but not any more....

How about "PCOS symptoms completely GONE!"

Then a host of other replies talking of

"Sleeping better" and "Wearing dresses again now" and "No, or way fewer, headaches" and "no more menstrual pain" and...... and..... and......

The list of good stuff just goes on and on.

If any of those sound like what you want, go back to page one of this topic and keep reading (there are now 14 pages of "good stuff" - well over 250 replies, and all good).

In closing, let me quote one reader who said this:-
I wish I had done this years ago. I have wasted so many years not doing things because of my weight, but I guess at the time I didn't put it down to this.

Anybody out there not sure about Cohens, read through these other replies and then tell me you don't want to feel this good.
Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!

Last edited by Kohinoor; 18-09-2018 at 08:48.
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Old 20-09-2018, 14:52
Winterboots Female Winterboots is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

Confidence in oneself. You can achieve so much when you have confidence.

"It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves"
Sir Ed Hillary
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Old 30-10-2018, 08:07
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

I had a giggle on reading this comment:-
...not being puffed when walking up a hill! It’s crazy but a 20kg difference (from my original original weight) can make ALL the difference!!!
The writer seemed surprised that not carrying around 20Kgs is much easier. Seems they still had "lots to go" and were wondering why (since they still weren't slim) things were already easier....
I guess it is all relative - but yet, 20Kgs gone is still HUGE, even if you have another 40Kg to go - here's why:-
Have you ever gone to pick up an Economy class suitcase filled to 20Kgs? I thought we were going to be "overweight" one time after filling the suitcase, and I didn't want to be pinged for "excess" - so I weighed the damn thing before leaving home. It was actually just under 20Kg, but it was SO HEAVY !! Imagine CARRYING that up a hill - you couldn't just wheel it, you have to carry it.
So yeah, even if you have 60Kgs to lose, shedding just 10Kgs is going to make a difference, and 20Kgs is twice as good !!
You might not have an economy suitcase filled with stuff just "hanging around" to test how heavy it is, and how difficult it is to walk with it. Instead, go supermarket shopping in the pet aisle. Pick up two 10Kg bags of dog kibble, or cat litter, one under each arm, and walk the length of the aisle. You will be racing to put them back on the shelf, you betcha !!

Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!
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Awesome post - A Thank You from :-
Old 21-08-2019, 16:22
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!
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Old 08-09-2019, 12:02
Cocopops Female Cocopops is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

This thread is very inspiring 😀
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Old 26-05-2021, 10:30
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

Still the BEST topic on this whole site (IMHO)

Click the link to start at the beginning and smile (and even get excited) as you read....
Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!
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Old 19-07-2022, 16:22
mishaladem Female mishaladem is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

I have a severe Heart Burn but now I am coping up with it.
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Old 28-09-2022, 13:31
James90 Male James90 is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

I experienced a similar circumstance as well while on the diet.
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Old 13-11-2022, 04:50
Ms. Jiggles Female Ms. Jiggles is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

Can't wait to add to this thread!
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