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Old 30-10-2008, 22:03
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Ronky - don't worry when you get to goal - your strength and body shape will be back but in all the right places. I know for sure and the good bit is you get to choose how and where to but the bits or take the bits off if need be - you do need to let yourself go right to the bottom of the tree - when you clean a tank of dirty water out you don't leave a bit in the bottom as when you fill it up the water will still be dirty - same with you - get rid of ALL the fat first then worry about rebuilding your muscles - time is on your side !!!

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Old 31-10-2008, 10:01
Ronky Female Ronky is offline
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Nicely put Andy.
Stay Healthy, Stay Calm and do it for your heart.

100 % deviation Challenge YEAH!!!

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Old 11-12-2008, 21:12
Soon2BSlim Female Soon2BSlim is offline
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Thanks Koh for your post in my diary and a little nudge about adding my thoughts from my diary in this thread too.

Here they are:

Originally Posted by Soon2BSlim View Post

This forum is a fantastic place to be because it's instrumental in giving back our self esteem.

I've noticed that my attitude to others is changing too. In particular I've been noticing "unlovely" people in the traditional sense. People who may be a bit overweight, have a disability etc. (the ones that society in general doesn't put in the glossy magazines) and I find that I have a lot more compassion than I used to. I want to give my time and attention to those who are being ignored because they aren't "beautiful" or "brilliant". They need love and compassion as much as anyone and now that I'm not so focussed on my own misery and feelings of failure I can reach out and love others.

Incidentally, my children have even been telling me that I'm much more fun than I used to be and I think it's because I'm starting to love myself again.

As others have said, Cohen's is much much more than just a weight loss plan!

"Just follow the plan, maintain your new habits and you will be rewarded!"
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Old 13-12-2008, 21:44
Free as a bird Female Free as a bird is offline
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Hi all,
I am almost at the half way point with 28kg gone. Like many of you I don't suffer with reflux, snoring or snorting anymore. I also feel I am getting my long lost confidence and happiness back. People are treating me a little different now, however I feel that is because my attitude has changed. Instead of thinking things like, "they won't want to talk to me" or " I won't embarrass them by talking to them", I now join in with people and have fun.

Other positives are:
  • Being able to pick things up off the floor of the car.
  • Waxing my legs is easier.
  • More room in the bath tub.
  • Can walk up our steep hill without getting puffed.
  • Can sit in a crowded room without feeling like I'm taking up some of the space of the people sitting next to me.
  • Not having to shop in the big section of clothes shops.
  • Can hop on our trampoline if I want to.
There are probably more, but I just can't think of them at the moment.

I can't wait for more positive changes to happen as the second half of the excess disappears. Woo hoo!

100% deviation free-since the start 05/08/08.
Double figures-03/11/08. Into the 80's -05/01/09. Into the 70's -05/03/09. Single Figures to go-. Into the 60's-. Refeed-. Goal weight 63kg-.
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Awesome post - A Thank You from :-
Old 13-12-2008, 22:14
louise41 Female louise41 is offline
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I had a big vein in my leg that has now disappeared!

Just trying to fine tuning my maintenance!!
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Old 14-01-2009, 11:52
princess_sunbeam Female princess_sunbeam is offline
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I have extracted some of these from my diary, and some are new

I have had some milestones that I have been proud of so far..........
cracking 110kgs
cracking 100kgs
people at work starting to notice
buying new clothes
losing that third chin
being able to lie on my back without feeling like I was going to suffocate!
cracking 90kgs
the kids at work starting to notice that something is going on
buying more new clothes, from normal peoples clothes shops!
losing that second chin
being able to walk UP stairs without feeling like I was going to suffocate
being able to use the push mower (as opposed to the ride-on)
feeling my hip bones for the first time in years
starting to see my collarbones- I forgot I had any!
being the topic of discussion at the lunch table at work. Everyone has noticed now and is really interested!
cracking 80kgs
the male principal at work noticing my newfound slimness, and telling me that I was getting dangerous!
buying new bras- from kmart rather than having to spend $80 at Myer finding something that would fit
I can sit cross legged both on the floor and upright on a chair now!
I do have ankles!
Shoes are loose- but not smaller yet. When I was slim many years ago, my feet were 7-7.5B. I was buying 9.5B, am 8-8.5B now.
Asthma gone
Sleep Apnea & snoring GONE
Skin is shrinking back to size. I was looking pretty drawn for a while there, but my skin is catching up.
Blood pressure was never really an issue, but:
115kgs- BP 120/75 resting pulse 82
74kgs- BP 105/55 resting pulse 62
On a journey to the new me.

My Mantra: Food is fuel, not entertainment

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Old 11-02-2009, 16:29
vijion Female vijion is offline
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I love reading this thread! Please keep adding to it people!
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Old 11-02-2009, 17:35
hexi2 Female hexi2 is offline
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Has helped me to find 'me' the one without hang ups (very few anyway lol) and an inner strength and confidence in myself that I never knew existed

A body shape 'the column' according to Trinny and Sussanah

And being called HOT and a MILF (for those of you who have seen American Pie) for the first time in my life and on numerous occassions I might add! hehehe
Heaviest to lightest - 117kg - 57.5kg (59.5kg)
2008 Cohen's Graduate (lost 37.9kg) finished @ 57.5kg
2010 Cohen's Graduate (lost 16kg) finished at 58kg
Mind~body~spirit approach is my winning formula

Goal 1: Under 80kg (done 4.5.13) Goal 2 - 75kg, Goal 3 Under 70kg, Goal 4 - normal BMI 65.8kg!! Goal 4 - final goal 65 - 62kg and start refeed

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Old 24-02-2009, 23:56
Soon2BSlim Female Soon2BSlim is offline
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There are lots of newcomers to this great forum and I thought it was about time to give this thread a bump.

If anyone has anything to add, please do so. It's good to know what others have experienced in regards to this new way of eating ...... good and bad.

Thanks to all those that have posted so far, your contributions are very valuable.


"Just follow the plan, maintain your new habits and you will be rewarded!"
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Old 07-03-2009, 11:56
DevilDollie Female DevilDollie is offline
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so far, less joint pain and acheyness when I wake up
feel sick less
bowel movments are more normal..rather than pains in tummy etc
people starting to see the difference in my weight yay!
slowing starting to like how I look in the mirror!!

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Old 07-04-2009, 22:43
nesstris Female nesstris is offline
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Hi all your posts are so inspiring and also it is good to read the cons as well. But hey no matter what you do in life there will always be cons.

So far for me is for the first time since I can remember (sometime before 16yrs old) I am under 114kg YAY
All the comments from others not just at work but who ever knows me.
my nails are stronger
the hair on my legs are taking longer to grow
slowly moving into my mums old cloths (she is on cohen's with me) the best part is she can afford to buy new cloths and I get them after the month or so she no longer fits them.
Yes I am starting to find bones as well.
Oh and my calves are getting some shape not just stumps

Side effects so far is Anxiety I had a mild case but it is worse
EASTER chocolate was my biggest down fall alonge with Hot cross buns

Thank you Cohens..

Start Cohen's: 27/01/09 133kg, wk4 122.6kg, wk8 116.5kg
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Old 24-05-2009, 11:26
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

Another thread worthy of a "bump"

Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!
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Old 24-05-2009, 11:58
FlaMie Female FlaMie is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

Let me do my little bit to add to "bump" (koh's words) people on the programme:

1) Face is shrinking in size
2) I can / do have a sharp chin after all (used to envy my younger sister - so we're from the same set of parents hahahah)
3) Can cross my legs comfortably for a considerable length of time
4) Center of discussions during meal times (not that I like it)
5) Can't lie that I've not lost weight any more
6) People give you more respect (Fat = Lazy / Slim = Determined / disciplined)
7) You suddenly have more friends who are more interested in wanting to know what you've done to yourself
Hubby no longer needs to stretch out his full arm to put his arm around me at the cinemas hahahaha
9) Suddenly more space in most seats (cinema/theatre/car/chairs etc)
10) Improved skin conditions (don't know why - anyone care to explain? Perhaps it is the 3L of water that I'm drinking)
11) Softer skin texture
12) Eyes appear bigger (cos less fats around the eyes)
13) More energy to do a lot of things in the day
14) Becoming undesignated spokesperson for Cohen's programme - hahahah this is funny cos so many people want to join now!

I shall add further once I can recall what I've put into my diary :P
Starting Weight: 87kg | Current Weight: 54.7kg | Goal Weight : 51-54kg
23 Feb START: Goal 1: 79.9kg9Mar|Goal 2: 75kg5APR| Goal 3: 69.9kg5MAY|Goal 4:65kg9Jun|Goal 5:59.9kg23Jul| Goal 6: 55kg01Sep|Goal 7:Refeed@53kg|End Refeed@54.7kg
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Awesome post - A Thank You from :-
Old 24-05-2009, 18:55
Doing it for ME Female Doing it for ME is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

The bigger eyes like FlaMie mentioned is probably my favorite gain from the program, but also the feeling that I'm no longer a fat lazy unworthy person.
I never realised how much I had started to hate myself, so now, a little more love in my life is also a great gain from the program!
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Old 25-05-2009, 16:19
carrieanne_c Female carrieanne_c is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

Glad you are feeling better about yourself.
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Old 27-05-2009, 06:48
nicole Female nicole is offline
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Question Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss (SHOE SIZE)


Speaking of good side-affects of cohens: If we go down a shoe size will our Cohen's goal weight then change? I know on the Cohen's website if you change the size of your shoe your goal weight changes so what do you think?

Would be interested to know all your opinions?

A good affect for me is being able to sleep like a baby, my breathing not being squashed by my chest when lying on my back, bigger eyes (YAY), being more lady-like, like no smashing into walls like I used to (I know it sounds funny but when you have insulation you dont think about it as much). One more is not being puffed when walking up a hill! It’s crazy but a 20kg difference (from my original original weight) can make ALL the difference!!!

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Last edited by nicole; 27-05-2009 at 07:37. Reason: edits
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Old 27-05-2009, 13:58
Lorner Female Lorner is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss


These changes that everyone is experienceing are really great.
For me no more pains in the knees and ankles when walking down the stairs. (These stopped in the first two weeks)
Sleeping much better.
Cant wait to find out what the next 10kg loss will bring

My Skin is much clearer and I luv my new thiner face.
More Confidence
Lovelly feeling when trying clothes on that actually fit and look good.

Starting Weight 96kg Goal Weight 58kg
Lost 38kg on Cohens
Refeed starting weight 58.2Kg
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Old 04-06-2009, 04:34
carrieanne_c Female carrieanne_c is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

some sandals from last year are too big.
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Old 04-06-2009, 21:39
Shanara Female Shanara is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

I love my new body - the weight loss is fantastic. The definite best side-effect is the change in my health.

Whilst i wasn't sick before - I definitely never felt fantastic.

Now every day my body feels fantastic. Haven't been sick with colds or flu at all so far this winter. That is a plus.

The best part is I am going for another sleep apnea test to see if I still have it. My breathing machine is showing that I am still engaging it as I sleep, as it cuts in automatically when there is any apnea. But not very often. So, depending on what this test is showing I may be able to give away the machine for good. even if I only have it mildly I can just use the machine sometimes.

Apparently sleep apnea has two causes. One is overweight and snoring. the other is from the brain stem and if this is part of my problem then i will still have it even after loosing the weight. Science has no way to fix that cause - yet.

I have had lots of other medical good news - my blood pressure is great - has gone down heaps. was bordering on high before Cohens.

I love the way I can move now and the other day was amazed when i went for a walk that I could walk far further then I could walk when I used to go for walks almost every day! Love also my legs don't rub together anymore - used to give me hell in summer. Dancing is so fun now and I can move in ways that I haven't done for years.

I was in danger of developing a widow's hump - it's humped off - no sign of it!

yes, I feel much healthier.

Precohens 13/10/08: Cohens 29/10/08 1st 5kgs 30/10/08 lost 60kgs 20/6/09 Now learning about maintaining.THANK YOU SO MUCH DR COHEN.
To live my life from a place of deepest love, reflecting this knowing in my outer world as well as my inner world. Living in integrity, with an open heart honouring my agreements with self and others.
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Old 06-06-2009, 18:54
acb1 Female acb1 is offline
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Default Re: Physical Changes apart from weight loss

My snoring has stopped
More self confidence
Better positive outlook
Able to walk up my driveway without getting out of breath (and its not that steep!)
Able to bend down to my cats when I feed them instead of just dropping food bowl onto floor
More comfortable in work chair
Knees don't ache
Ankles don't swell up

Started at 158 kilos, goal 80 kilos

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