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Old 08-07-2008, 10:12
st001 Female st001 is offline
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Default How rapid is weight loss

I'm still considering joining the program... my concern is that I will lose weight slowly and don't think I will be able to handle this program if I only lose half a kg per week...

So I just need to know from some of you cohenites whether the weight loss generally is faster than other diets that aren't so rigid??

I keep encountering people that bag the diet and say anything that is rapid is likely to result in the weight returning..but I have had to lose weight after my first child and I know once I'm down I can maintain but I need to get there first.

Please help!! I'm getting desperate to start losing!!!
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Old 08-07-2008, 10:28
ConnieK.. Female ConnieK.. is offline
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It depends on a lot of factors as to how much you lose. I am a slow loser and I averaged 1.06kg per week over 21 weeks. I have PCOS and this slows weight loss as well.

I suggest you pop into a few diaries ( including the completed ones ) and see what others have lost. Try to find someone around your age with similar amounts to lose, this will give you an average ball park figure. You could also look in Andy's statistics and see the poll on first 4 weeks losses etc.

Of course having said that - Only your body can say how fast YOU will lose. Comparing yourself to others directly is not a good idea.

Finished July 2008 - Maintaining

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Old 08-07-2008, 10:38
Jens Mum Female Jens Mum is offline
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Hi stoo1,
I am only a newbie at cohens. I have been on the program for 37days. I had 46kg to loose and in 37days I have lost 10.5kg todate. I have never been on any type of diet (and I have been on lots) where I have lost this much weight in this amount of time. I usually take around 2 months at least to get even close to 8-10kgs if not longer. But on this so far so good. There are many other cohenites that have been doing this longer and the will all tell you that it works.
About the people that tell you it can't work etc you have to learn to ignore them and prove them wrong. I actually wouldn't tell them when you start and let them work it out along the way that it does work. I have now met 2 wonderful people who (one finished refeed & all & the other so close she can smell the end) have lost fantastic amounts of weight and look brilliant.
I am sure the amount you loose each week still depends on the total you have to loose but don't expect total miracles, but you still have to have a sensible outlook and remember this will be the last "diet" you will go on (well it is for me).
As I said I am not an expert, and I am only a beginner but I love it. It is easy once you get the hang of it.
Good luck and I hope I have helped a little bit.
Cheers Jo

New start day: 16th May 2011.
These were my original stat's etc - am going to leave for me to remember but new ones to appear soon....Start date: 02 June 08: 1st Goal - get under 100kg (Done 3 July Day 33); 2nd goal - 94.3kg (Done 2 Aug Day 62); 3rd goal - 89.3kg (Done 30 Aug Day 90) ; 4th goal - 84.3kg (Done 16 Nov Day 168 );
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Old 08-07-2008, 11:08
st001 Female st001 is offline
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Thanks for your encouragement.

I should elaborate, that I have 20kg to lose and the last diet I did was sureslim, which I found difficult to stick to and had cravings all the time. I did lose 12 kg but after that kept deviating until I got to the point where I had to stop because it just wasn't working and the clinicians were no help at all.

I know certain elements of cohens are similar but at least you get crackers in between meals...

Thanks and I'll keep reading others success stories for encouragement. I must admit it is the only diet or "lifestyle change" that doesn't receive much negativity from people who have given it a go.... so that must mean something.

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Old 08-07-2008, 12:30
lucylou Female lucylou is offline
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Hi Sceona

Here's a great thread for checking out weight and cm loss, and very inspiring too.

I've been doing Cohen's for 2 months and I'm thrilled with the results. It's not as strict as some diets I've been on and yet the weight is coming off faster, I love it.


Highest weight pre-Cohen: 93 kg Start weight: 88 kg
6 months @100% 28 kg gone.
Back to basics now to get 14 kg off again.

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Old 08-07-2008, 21:27
Annabelle Joy Female Annabelle Joy is offline
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ST, you need to compare yourself with yourself, not with others. I have found that over the long term I have been losing at twice the rate on Cohen's as on the next most successful diet I have ever done (and I've done a lot).

In addition to the thread that LouLou directed you to, you might like to look at

Ask why rapid weight loss is likely to result in the weight returning. It's one of the things people spout because they have heard it, with absolutely no logic to it. Gaining weight after weight loss has nothing to do with the diet. It's because those who gain expect to be able to go back to eating exactly as they did, and put on weight exactly as they did. Cohen's provides guidelines that will help you control your life forever -- as long as you follow them.

Started 11/1/08. Lowest weight reached 63.8 kgs on 10/11/08 and 40 kgs down. Thank you Dr Cohen.
Back again to do it all over again, starting from exactly the same weight as last time.
My health is not good and my doctor is predicting all sorts of nasty things if I don't lose weight.
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Back again for the support. Still think the diet and the forum are the best ever, but too old to do it again. Now losing again slowly on maintenance diet. Ticker shows next intermediate goal only (5 kilos).

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Old 08-07-2008, 23:23
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Default Mind over matter

Mate its all about you and you really - a number of things will help your weight loss or hinder your weight loss. The first thing is that you need to be in the right mental state with a good frame of mind and be prepared to change and learn as you go - you need to stick %100 to the plan and allow it to work as it should. You need to not compare yourself with others - we are all different - so are our body's and our metabolism- and you need to stay focused and positive and understand what you want ...... for you.

There is no quick fix ..... its a life style change and commitment that I can assure will and does work very very well.......provided you play by the plan and do it exactly as planned ...... no changes .... will have no disappointment !!!!

You are the only one who will ever know or dictate the speed of your weight loss !!!!

Have a go ..... you can and will do it !!

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Old 26-10-2010, 09:18
mumof5 Female mumof5 is offline
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Default Re: How rapid is weight loss

hello all coheners! im thrilled to have found this site. it will help with motivation!

i began a week ago. in the first week i lost 2 kilos and 6cm from my waist. i stuffed up on saturday though. but all is okay again.

i started at 75kg and need to get to 64-67kilos.

see you on the forum
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Old 26-10-2010, 09:42
louise41 Female louise41 is offline
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Default Re: How rapid is weight loss

You will be amazed how quickly you will get to goal! It is always very easy for people to bag diets - that is a good excuse not to have to try them - but I think the proof is in the final results. We hear so much on the media about obesity so I say people should take their hats off to those of us that are taking positive steps to being slim and healthy and reducing our risks of illness. I say hats off to all cohenites, I salute you!!

Just trying to fine tuning my maintenance!!
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Old 26-10-2010, 11:33
Fifty2drop Female Fifty2drop is offline
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Default Re: How rapid is weight loss

below info has been pinched from :


10% of people lose less than 7 kgs
70% of people lose between 7-10 kgs
20% of people lose between between 10-20 kgs

12% of people lose between 17-20 kgs
60% of people lose between 20-27 kgs
28% of people lose between 27-35 kgs

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Old 26-10-2010, 11:55
mcpsych Male mcpsych is offline

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Default Re: How rapid is weight loss

there is no evidence that fast weightloss has poor outcomes
in fact the research tends to indicate that fast weightloss has better long term outcomes than slow weightloss

for those who want to read the articles
here is just one of the many
A. Astrup and S. Rossner. Lessons from obesity management: Greater initial weight loss improves long-term maintenance. Obes Rev (2000) 1: 17-19.

losing fast is good- but fast is a relative term . if you normally only lose 100 grams a week then 200 is fast , yes?
so as was previously said, compare yourself to yourself but dont worry about any negatives about fast weightloss- they are furphys

Start- 184.9kg, Goal 84.9 Current 84.3kg Centimetres lost: 248
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Old 26-10-2010, 14:10
Changing for life Female Changing for life is offline
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Default Re: How rapid is weight loss

Welcome mumof5,

You should start your own is a great way to communicate and ask questions and a great way to get lots of encouragement and support!

I also started last week, and love the forum!!

Best of luck with your journey!


Started 20/10/2010
Goal 1: 100kgs (hopefully before Christmas - if not it doesn't matter) Done 8/12/10 (99.3kgs)
Goal 2: 90kgs (before my sons birthday in early March)
Goal 3: 85kgs (30kgs gone for my good friends wedding in April!)
Month 1: Lost 10.6kgs Month 2: Lost 7kgs Month 3: Lost 5.9kgs
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Old 27-10-2010, 19:22
findingmeagain Female findingmeagain is offline
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Default Re: How rapid is weight loss

12kg at the first 4 week weigh-in, and 6kg every 4 weeks since!!
GOALS: 10kg Lost - Done ; 20kg Lost - Done ; Under 100kg - Done ; Out of Obese Weight Range - Done ; 50kg Lost - Done : 60kg Lost ; Start Refeed ; Start Maintenance

LIFE GOALS ; 66-69kg @ end 2011 ; 2012 ; 2013 ; 2014
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Old 11-05-2011, 17:58
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Default Re: How rapid is weight loss


As I'm directing someone to it, why not?
Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!
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loss , rapid , weight

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