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Old 04-08-2008, 09:59
lindy Female lindy is offline
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Default Starting out with Kids

I am getting ready to start and have been wondering how people do this with young children ? ( I have 4yr twins) I am lucky with hubby he will eat pretty much everything and so will my son but my daughter is "difficult" at meal times. Do you just prepare the one meal and make small changes to it to please the whole family? Any help or suggestions would be great.
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Old 04-08-2008, 11:24
Angie Female Angie is offline
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Hey Lindy,

I have only been on the program for a week and I have an 11 yr old. I cook whatever I need to for him and in the meantime have a small saucepan going for myself. I have found it easy - well a lot easier once I started planning ahead. I have had family members who were diabetic and something seperate was always made for them. I find its very similar with me now. Last night he had spagetti with chicken and mushroom sauce - I had just the chicken and mushrrom!

Not sure if this helps you at all!

Last edited by Angie; 04-08-2008 at 11:26.
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Old 04-08-2008, 14:58
Jenniwren Female Jenniwren is offline
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Hi there,
I have been on the program for 20 weeks tomorrow
I am a mum of two girls one is 4.5 and the other nearly
2 years. I always get there dinner before mine and then
when they are in bed I then get mine cooked, I do the
prep for my dinner while they are eating theirs. My girls
are fussy but I don't stress about there dinner to much as
they go to kindy 4 days and they eat really well while they
are there, so it is very simple dinners. If you are prepared
with your meals you will find it easy to get into a routine.
Good luck with your journey.
Cheers Jenni

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