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Old 29-09-2008, 19:48
Katie6 Female Katie6 is offline
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Default Can you reuse your personal eating plan?


Does anyone know if the personal eating plans are reusable after a certain period of time?

The reason I ask is that a friend of mine joined Cohen's 3 years ago, but didn't complete the programme ( no refeed or maintenance) because she fell pregnant.
She would now like to start the programme again, but was told by her local clinic that she would need to rejoin with new blood tests as her old programme was out of date for her body chemistry and that in addition to slower losses she could risk ill health if she were to follow it again.

Any help here would be appreciated.

Thanks, Katie

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Old 29-09-2008, 19:52
slimstar Female slimstar is offline
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Hi Katie,

This very same thing happened to me. You do need to do new bloods for a new program as your hormones would be completly different, and my new program is different to the one I had previously. Bit of a bummer, but its worth it to do it right.

Good luck to your friend.
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Old 29-09-2008, 19:53
lou102 Female lou102 is offline
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Hi Katie,

I do believe this to be true. If you do not use your program for more that six weeks then your body chemistry can change and you do need to have a new program made up with new blood tests.

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Old 29-09-2008, 22:27
Annabelle Joy Female Annabelle Joy is offline
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Yes, Katie, a new programme is required. In order to get refeed, your friend would have needed to continue with the regular programme of blood tests. Over that period and with presumably considerable weight gain, that would not be feasible anyway. She really does need to get a proper refeed programme, so she will have to sign up again.

Started 11/1/08. Lowest weight reached 63.8 kgs on 10/11/08 and 40 kgs down. Thank you Dr Cohen.
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Old 30-09-2008, 10:18
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Originally Posted by Katie6 View Post

Does anyone know if the personal eating plans are reusable after a certain period of time?

The reason I ask is that a friend of mine joined Cohen's 3 years ago, but didn't complete the programme ( no refeed or maintenance) because she fell pregnant.
She would now like to start the programme again, but was told by her local clinic that she would need to rejoin with new blood tests as her old programme was out of date for her body chemistry and that in addition to slower losses she could risk ill health if she were to follow it again.

Any help here would be appreciated.

Thanks, Katie

Hey Katie,

I'm afraid not. If the program hasn't been followed for a period of around 2 months or more your blood profile changes. This is why she would need a new program. The old one 'MAY' work, but not to its optimum & she may feel unwell trying to follow it. She would also need to have done her regular blood tests in order for Dr Cohen to write up her refeed, which is such an incredibly important part of the process... without those tests done at the required time he wont be able to write it up for her.

There are quite a few people who are in the same position & have purchased a new program with outstanding results. Encourage her to bite the bullet & do this again.. doing it together would be a HUGE motivation for you both
158 kilos 24th April 2007 ~ 68 kilos 24th April 2008 ~ 90 kilos lost in 12 months
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Old 01-10-2008, 07:59
sassy123 Female sassy123 is offline
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i was just about to ask this same question lol

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Old 06-12-2008, 14:10
samnich01 Female samnich01 is offline
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Default 2nd time on old program???

I would love to here from anyone that is going or has gone back on old program and how it is working for you. I joined 6 months ago...stayed on it for 7 weeks and havn't really been back on it properly until right now so that is a total of 4months and 1 week off it...the clinic says that should be fine for now as I was prepared to buy a new one. just would be interested to see if anyone else has done the same or similar and still found it as affective..cheers

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Old 07-12-2008, 02:03
dmon Female dmon is offline
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Hi samnich01,
I am using my old program and losing weight with no problems (so far!!) I have heard that some programs may not work due to changes. I am prepared to pay for another program but want to see how I go with my old progarm first ( I did speak to the clinic first). Your program is still fairly new so I think you should be okay.
Good luck with your lifestyle change.

Good health to all
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Old 07-12-2008, 10:03
peacock Female peacock is offline
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Just ask them to give you another blood test, like the first one you take. Then they can see if it will still work for you, the likely answer being yes, but it will give you peace of mind knowing for sure. That way is a lot cheaper than getting a new program too.
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Old 09-09-2009, 00:30
AilSA Female AilSA is offline
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Default Using an Old Program

Hi Everyone,

This may be a controversial question but I'd like the most honest answers and guidance you guys can give. Some background info : I ordered my program in November 2007 through a local clinic and did about 3 weeks deviation free before "falling off the wagon". I have since gained about 8 kilos and have realised that i need to do this now, for myself or i am going to end up with some major health issues. I am extremely depressed and disapointed in myself..I KNOW THAT COHENS WORKS and I still couldnt do it. I now have my mind and attitude in the right place.

My question is, Can i still use my old 2007 program or do i have to order a new one..Considering the recession, i am really cash strapped and cannot afford to get one immediately. I am so eager to start losing weight and am afraid that waiting until I can afford a new program will see me deter even further down the path of destruction.

Has anyone out there used their old programs and if so, did it work for you?

All advice will be appreciated.

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Old 09-09-2009, 07:02
fornight Female fornight is offline
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Default Re: Using an Old Program

If you have both the old program and old refeed program, might as well try them again.
Start Cohen Date = 29 May'09 / Start Weight = 77.5kg

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Total Loss on Cohen - 20.4kg
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Old 09-09-2009, 09:06
scarlet_ Female scarlet_ is offline
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Default Re: Using an Old Program

Hi Ailsa =)

I'm in almost the exact same boat as you. I started before, but then went of plan and have put back on. I didn't make it to refeed last time either (I'm assuming you didn't since you only got 3 weeks in).
I'm working of my old plan at the moment, to get started, and intend on getting a new one as soon as my tax return comes back in. as I believe you really do need your refeed program to finish this of properly, and give yourself the best shot at not putting the weight back on.
So maybe thats something you could do? I do believe that they do offer payment plans now, so aweekly installment thing might work best for you?

But either way, I think doing something, is definately better than doing nothing at all =)

Scar <3

Started Cohen's - 03/09/2009
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Old 09-09-2009, 19:28
janzoorah Female janzoorah is offline
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Default Re: Can you reuse your personal eating plan?

Hi there
I was told by my Cohens consultant when I got my refeed and maintenance guidelines that the same program could be reused even a few years after doing it as long as the weight gain wasnt dramatic. I was told up to 5 kilos weight gain would still be ok to go back on the same program.
I have been off the program since February this year (2009) and have just gone back on the program 100% since Monday this week after 7 months and a 5 kilo weight gain and deep down I have been so worried and scared that the program may not work as well but I must say that since Monday this week I have already lost almost 2 kilos on the scales so im guessing it is working.. I hope it stays that way
In saying that the only way to find out if ur old program still works is to try it and if the weight doesnt seem to be falling off as it did the first time around or if you dont feel well after the initial 3 or 4 days then maybe u need a new program..


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Old 10-09-2009, 08:58
Shanara Female Shanara is offline
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Default Re: Can you reuse your personal eating plan?

Hi Everyone,

I can understand that for some the paying of another initial fee seems like a lot of money yet I would like to give a different perspective.

One of the things I learnt on the programme was that I AM WORTH IT!

The money I paid was a small price to pay for all the benefits I received. My health, my social life, my confidence, my self esteem my joy all rocketed. This is what I have dreamt of for so long and thought that it was out of my reach.

So what about the money - what I got was priceless.

Funny - we will invest in our houses, our cars, our holidays going out to dinner, socialising yet so baulk at investing in ourselves.

After loosing 60 kilos my body was telling me enough although I wasn't yet at goal. I personally think my body chemistry had changed so much my programme was no longer working well for me. That is not a complaint or a criticism - just an observation of how my body responded. So I did refeed and am happy with my decision.

I have also decided that if I wish to loose the last few kilos between my refeed weight and my goal weight I will invest in another programme.

For me I am investing my money - in me ! The dividends have been amazing and I don't have to wait for a cheque in the mail. Every momment of everyday I live, sleep, walk, talk, run, laugh, breath the dividends.

Best investment I ever made !

And I sure know I am worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Precohens 13/10/08: Cohens 29/10/08 1st 5kgs 30/10/08 lost 60kgs 20/6/09 Now learning about maintaining.THANK YOU SO MUCH DR COHEN.
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Old 10-09-2009, 11:01
fornight Female fornight is offline
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Default Re: Can you reuse your personal eating plan?

I have my old 2006 program but I do not have the refeed program. That was the time when Singapore Cohen just started office in Singapore. I paid for my current 2009 program when I restarted Cohen in late May. For friends who had seen my results back in 2006 and now in 2009, they told me I actually look so much more healthier and radiant now. I seem to be able to lose the weight even more proportionately compared to 2006.

I started Cohen around the same body weight back in 2006 and now. If you look at the two program, there are some differences in terms of the weight of the protein and vegetables but they are not significant. I get more options now.

My guess is after a couple of years, Dr Cohen has collected enough data about Singaporeans' blood chemistry and thus able to fine tune the program better for me now.

On the whole, I am glad that I pay again to get a new program. Like what Shanara says - I AM WORTH IT!
Start Cohen Date = 29 May'09 / Start Weight = 77.5kg

ACHIEVED : Goal 1 > 70kg (10 Jul 09) | Goal 2 > 65kg (14 Aug 09) | Goal 3 > 60kg (18 Sep 09)| Start Refeed at 57.2kg (12 Dec 09) & End Refeed @ 57.1kg (29 Dec 09)|
Total Loss on Cohen - 20.4kg
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Old 10-09-2009, 13:33
ConnieK.. Female ConnieK.. is offline
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Default Re: Can you reuse your personal eating plan?

Touche Shanara!!

You are so right GF

Finished July 2008 - Maintaining

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