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Old 02-03-2009, 15:54
*BAM* Female *BAM* is offline
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Default PLS HELP!! - No concentration at work...

Hi all,

Well some of you may know me, ive tried to jump back on cohens again for the 2nd time since losing 20kg's in 2007 on the program.

I have put the whole amount back on to date, and have tried to get back on the wagon.

Well... i did get back on the wagon for a whole 3 weeks and had to start eating more because i was mucking up at work.

I was having alot of trouble concentrating. I was making silly mistakes i wouldnt usually make. My job is very important to me & i need to know if anyone else has had this happen? I really need this weight off, its damaging my health but i cant let it jeopardise my job aswell...

Please help - any advice would be helpful.


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Old 02-03-2009, 16:00
hexi2 Female hexi2 is offline
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You need a new program - simple...

After 3 weeks there is no way you should be feeling like's obvious your old program is no longer working
Heaviest to lightest - 117kg - 57.5kg (59.5kg)
2008 Cohen's Graduate (lost 37.9kg) finished @ 57.5kg
2010 Cohen's Graduate (lost 16kg) finished at 58kg
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Goal 1: Under 80kg (done 4.5.13) Goal 2 - 75kg, Goal 3 Under 70kg, Goal 4 - normal BMI 65.8kg!! Goal 4 - final goal 65 - 62kg and start refeed

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Old 02-03-2009, 16:23
*BAM* Female *BAM* is offline
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Its hard to know who to listen to these days.. i was told by my Cohens consultant that i wouldnt need a new programme. That my old programme will work just the same.

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Old 02-03-2009, 19:31
Mette Female Mette is offline
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Quite a few people have had that happen to them, Bam. I can't remember names, but there are a few that have had to start the program again and had to get a new program because the old one was making them feel quite ill. In the maintenance guidelines it does say that if you get over a certain weight above your range, a new program is required because your blood chemistry has changed. Some are fine with their original program, but not all. Listening to your body is the most important thing, and it sounds to me like you really do need a new one. As Hexi said, there's no way you should feel like that after three weeks.
Started Cohens on 28/07/08 at 92 kilos and finished refeed 10/02/09 at 65 kilos - total loss: 27 kilos!

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Old 02-03-2009, 21:22
garden goddess Female garden goddess is offline
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Hi Bam,
Gotcha !
I am using an old plan from last year , which I never completed.
I am losing weight slowly , and also experiencing a lot of what you mentioned ....vagueness , extreme tiredness.
I just upped the anti with my vitamin supplement today and also added some flax seed oil in the hopes that it will make the difference.
I hope your clinic is right and that our current plans will do us .
Good luck with it.

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Old 10-03-2009, 16:25
*BAM* Female *BAM* is offline
Cohens - 2nd & last time!
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You look like you are doing really well - almost 10kg's to date thats really good

I woulnt mind losing that much even if it was slow... I think im going to take a weeks leave from work and get back on the wagon in that time so that i will be beyond the detox stage and there will be no worries about errors with my work.

I havent given it a 100% shot so i cant say i really know that its my old program making me feel ill - it could well be the fact that i was trying to follow bits & peices of it and i wasnt having the right gramages... mostly not enough food.. so yeah, i better give it a 100% go before saying i feel sick from it.

Good luck lily, i think if its worked once it can work again

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concentration , pls , work

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