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Old 16-05-2008, 21:52
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Time4Me Female Time4Me is offline
On my way - To a new me.
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: South Coast NSW Australia
Posts: 484
Default Barb - Cohens is NOT expensive

I am shouting to the world about Cohens and just how amazing it is.. I am loving it, and so far I have lost 16cms off my waist.. I am amazed.

For anyone thinking about joining, all I can say is it's worth every single cent, I worked out that:-

I have spent $2124 on Gym fees over 3 years and lost 12 kgs.. costing me $177 per Kg and 3 years of my life, being disciplined and attending the gym 5 out of 7 days every week

This program so far has cost $750 and I have lost 14.8 kgs thats $50.68 per kg and only one month of disciplined eating... what a HUGE difference...

Before starting cohens I worked out that I had 88.8 kgs to lose and want to complete it within 1 year... with a total cost of $850 being for program and also blood tests that means it will cost me a total of $9.57 per Kg...

Now look at the comparisons ... The choice is easy.. JUST DO IT NOW~!!! No more thinking about it.. look at my pics , see the results this program can bring and just do it~!!!

(Edited by Koh for the Classics thread - check the link below for the original post)

*A positive attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.*
**Start Date 18th April 2008 **
** On pause from program Sept 2008 to Jan 2009.. for medical reasons, weight stable **

Last edited by Kohinoor; 27-07-2008 at 00:42.
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barb , cohens , expensive

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