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Old 28-05-2008, 10:39
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Kohinoor Male Kohinoor is offline
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Default What are "Koh's Classics" then??

Hi all,

Think of it as an opportunity for me to include "gems" in a much more ordered way. It allows me to "structure" a post, or several, to make very readable "classic" threads that should be easy to find, read, and enjoy.

I intend to provide links back to the original post too (in case you want to "find out more" about what happened later).

The plan at the moment is to include a Subject in the title that will define "What type of Classic this is" e.g. It may be like "But will Cohens work for me?" - which indicates it is more suited to newer readers.

The author's name will also be included in the title too. I had thought of including the "source" there too - e.g. "xyz's diary" or "Photos - before and after". But, since there will be a link back anyway, and the title area is not huge, this may not happen.

I'm wanting to include a thread specifically for "light relief" - by taking single posts with humourous anecdotes in them, and lumping them into one thread. A good one to read while having a cuppa.... well, maybe not (spluttering tea all over a table is not a good look... )

The actual structure of this forum may yet change as we discuss things in Admin to finalise just how it will all be.

Of course, once done, then we'll need to FIND the Classic posts that are "out there", and bring them in here !! And I'll be enlisting your help to identify posts that deserve a place in "Classics".

Hopefully this weekend will see the skeleton taking shape, and a Classic thread or 6 posted to break the ice....

For now, at least, the Home Page won't now be saying "Never" in the Last Post column - so that's a start

Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!

Last edited by Kohinoor; 31-05-2008 at 22:08.
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Old 25-04-2009, 12:42
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Kohinoor Male Kohinoor is offline
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Default Please be aware .....

Often, in here, I will link to an individual post. What happens then, is that you get to read that ONE post. But, if you wanted to read it in context, you might wish to read the thread from which the post came !!

Easy. From the link, go to the top right, and look for "Thread: xxx Diary" or "Thread: .... mumble ....." It could be from a diary, or it may not. Doesn't matter - just click there, and the whole thread will open, but you will still be showing that Linked Post. So, you can then read forward or backward to understand the context of the post - or just read on - your call.

Just a big happy hushpuppy
I haven't "done" Cohens - Asy knows me from way back - she invited me to "take a look" here - I did, loved it, and stayed...
And me? I'm a tall skinny-ish bloke (BMI ~25.5) and have been this way forever, so I haven't faced (weight-wise) what you all have !!
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