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Old 28-09-2009, 12:56
fornight Female fornight is offline
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Default Re: Binge Eating, Anxiety, Obsession and Panic

maybe it was due to the fact that our body has been deprived of simple sugars for too long? It might be wise not to indulge in high content of simple sugars immediately after cohen.
Start Cohen Date = 29 May'09 / Start Weight = 77.5kg

ACHIEVED : Goal 1 > 70kg (10 Jul 09) | Goal 2 > 65kg (14 Aug 09) | Goal 3 > 60kg (18 Sep 09)| Start Refeed at 57.2kg (12 Dec 09) & End Refeed @ 57.1kg (29 Dec 09)|
Total Loss on Cohen - 20.4kg
Maintenance Start = 30 Dec'09 Goal Weight - 55kg!
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Old 29-09-2009, 16:12
KimN Female KimN is offline
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Default Re: Binge Eating, Anxiety, Obsession and Panic

Arrrgh! Try telling the brain that Fornight, and getting it to listen!! What a hurdle...

I am definitely having a battle with this, and will do so until I can get the answer that works! I am on day 2 of maintenance and spending Day 2 getting over Day 1, feeling very ill from an overload of biscuits. Not a good sign is it? I need all the help I can get.


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Old 29-09-2009, 19:59
kit Female kit is offline
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Default Re: Binge Eating, Anxiety, Obsession and Panic

I hear you KimN,

After a very unsuccessful venture into maintenance land ... I am now only day 5 of my original cohens diet. I am really hoping that these cravings substantially subside soon (although they are getting better!) otherwise the next couple of weeks are going to be a real struggle!

Good luck, please don't let it get into a vicious cycle otherwise it will be really hard to kick the habit. Oh ... and you are only a couple of days into maintenance - so your body will still be properly set on cohens, if you stick it out, you wont do too much damage to all that hard work you have done (unlike myself!). I know just how hard it is though. Good luck again!

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Old 30-09-2009, 14:56
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As I've always said, you MUST tip-toe into maintenance. It took me several months of experimenting a little at a time to figure out what I can and cannot eat and how much. I accepted early only that I would have to change my entire eating habits in order to succeed. Another thing that I coined while on the programme still holds me in good stead:

Nothing, but nothing, tastes as good as THIN feels!
My Original Weight-Loss Chart. . . . Personal Target: 69kg; End of refeed: 68.2kg; 1 year later: 69.5kg; 2 years later: 71.5kg; 3 years later: 65.5kg; 6 years later: 68.5kg
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Old 17-11-2009, 22:37
ConnieK.. Female ConnieK.. is offline
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Default Re: Binge Eating, Anxiety, Obsession and Panic

INteresting article I read today ... makes perfect sense to me ... I have trouble with craving bad foods if I snack on cheese ..... thought it was just me .... apparently not ... rats as well LOL

If you just can't stop eating your favorite fatty foods--such as ice cream, burgers and fries--you can blame your brain. That's the word from researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern, who have concluded in a laboratory study with mice that tasty foods, especially those high in fat, send a signal to the brain to keep eating. Specifically, the molecules of some types of fat travel to the brain, which then instructs the body not to stop eating just yet.

Scientists have figured out WHY we binge eat.
HealthDay News reports that the type of fatty acid that appears to do the most damage is palmitic acid, which is found in beef and dairy products, such as butter, cheese and milk. "Normally, our body is primed to say when we've had enough, but that doesn't always happen when we're eating something good," study senior author Deborah Clegg, an assistant professor of internal medicine, said in a university news release. "What we've shown in this study is that someone's entire brain chemistry can change in a very short period of time. Our findings suggest that when you eat something high in fat, your brain gets 'hit' with the fatty acids, and you become resistant to insulin and leptin," which are chemicals that tell the body to stop eating, Clegg said. "Since you're not being told by the brain to stop eating, you overeat."
Finished July 2008 - Maintaining

"If you think you can, or you think you can't you're right! " - Henry Ford

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Old 18-11-2009, 02:02
carrieanne_c Female carrieanne_c is offline
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Default Re: Binge Eating, Anxiety, Obsession and Panic

I used to love pudding, chocolate vanilla, etc-if i bought 500g of it in a big tub i could eat it. I could do it like once a month near tom, only like a million calories. good to know that it is my brain and not me.
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Old 19-11-2009, 08:46
Skinny Bineenie Female Skinny Bineenie is offline
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Default Re: Binge Eating, Anxiety, Obsession and Panic

This is exactly what I have been struggeling with for the past two years and as much as I am getting better with it, I am still not completely fixed but I'm aware of it and I am trying really hard to fix it. It is hard work though.

Take control of my food thoughts.


Nothing, but nothing, tastes as good as THIN feels!
How true is that!! Something to take home and remember forever!!!
Skinny Bineenie

Last edited by Skinny Bineenie; 19-11-2009 at 08:56.
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Old 21-11-2009, 16:40
Tantravaya Female Tantravaya is offline
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Default Re: Binge Eating, Anxiety, Obsession and Panic


I used to have a problem with sweet cravings and subsequent binge eating. I learnt that I was overloaded by fluoride and deficient in iodine. With fluoride in the water supply in most places these days, if you are at all deficient in iodine, fluoride is taken up in the iodine receptors and can lead to problems with insulin and sugar cravings.

Not only is fluoridated water a problem (we absorb it through washing, showering, swimming as well as drinking) when we are iodine deficient, but other foods processed in water and containing fluoride can be real problems. Tea is very high in fluoride and iced tea is through the roof. Fish can be high in fluoride and canned soft drink of any sort can be quite high too as it is produced with fluoridated water.

It is very hard to reduce fluoride use particularly when the water supply is artificially fluoridated. You can stop using fluoride toothpaste. The key is to up the iodine so it will reclaim its receptors and stop the fluoride having such a negative effect. The product you need to use as a supplement is atomic iodine.

How do I know all this? I was poisoned by high fluoride emissions as a child when we lived just a few hundred metres from a fertiliser manufacturing plant. It has taken me decades to learn why I have had so many health problems and to be able to fix them - partially with iodine. One of the big issues I had as a result was sugar cravings and bingeing on carbs. I began taking the iodine a month before I started on Cohens. It has made a huge difference to my health and I wish I had learnt about this a long time ago.

Loss of weight might also exacerbate fluoride overload as you probably have the same amount of fluoride in your body but less body to disperse it - maybe?

This is what I use and I noticed a change within days.
[Edited later by Kohinoor> The above link gives a 404 error, but by going to the primary url, it transcribes to the following link.
Once at that site, look for the Products tab - nascent iodine is still available there]
If you google fluoride and impaired glucose tolerance you will see that scientific results (mainly with rats) is showing a strong correlation.

Last edited by Kohinoor; 04-12-2021 at 08:14.
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Old 24-11-2009, 13:52
Skinny Bineenie Female Skinny Bineenie is offline
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Default Re: Binge Eating, Anxiety, Obsession and Panic

Hi Tantravaya,

I checked out this site and I was interested to try it out to see how it could improve things along.
I started to purchase a bottle at $36 and then once the shipping was added at $26 for budget shipping I though well the shipping is almost as much as the product.

Can this product be purchased in Australia / Melbourne?

Please don't think I'm tight...just thought I would ask first.

Kindest Regards,
Skinny Bineenie

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Old 25-11-2009, 18:28
Tantravaya Female Tantravaya is offline
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Default Re: Binge Eating, Anxiety, Obsession and Panic

It is available in Australia Skinny Bineenie! Here is one Qld site that sells it.

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Old 25-11-2009, 19:50
Skinny Bineenie Female Skinny Bineenie is offline
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Default Re: Binge Eating, Anxiety, Obsession and Panic

Thank you very much for that. I'll check it out.
Skinny Bineenie

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Old 15-04-2010, 12:28
Hayley23 Female Hayley23 is offline
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Default Re: Binge Eating, Anxiety, Obsession and Panic


I find that extract you posted much earlier VERY interesting. It seems dairy products are my weakness too. Although I am successfully maintaining, I have definately noticed in the last couple of months by body is a little more 'resisstant' - if that makes sense? I think it could be due to consuming too much butter.

Look what I found, I believe some of it is definately relevant:

One of the attractions of a healthy low-carb diet for many people is the ability to consume butter again. For years we’ve been told by groups like the American Heart Association that saturated fats like butter will raise your cholesterol (which is true–HDL “good” cholesterol goes WAY UP when you consume butter!) and that we should be choosing “better” alternatives like margarine and olive oil instead. We’ve all heard the heart health argument, but recently a cardiologist blogger in the low-carb community brought up a rather intriguing theory that perhaps the reason some low-carbers begin to struggle on their low-carb lifestyle is because of what he describes as “butter’s unusual ability to provoke insulin responses.”
Respected blogger and physician Dr. William Davis from “The Heart Scan Blog” has been putting out quality information and nutrition and health over the past four years and we owe him a great debt of gratitude for the amazing work he has been doing to promote the message of less carbohydrate in the diet as a means for keeping our hearts healthy. He’s championed the CT scan for measuring plaque buildup in your coronary arteries as well as making sure you are getting adequate Vitamin D3 levels in your body and proper thyroid function. He literally is a one-man machine of information that is worth paying attention to. That’s what made his March 19, 2010 column entitled “Butter and Insulin” so perplexing to me when I read it.
Dr. Davis cites this September 2008 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition as his evidence for believing there is up to a triple insulin response in those people who consume butter in their diet. And, of course, we all know that the higher the insulin levels in the body, the faster you will gain stored body fat. So this one study by a researcher named Dr. Sergio López led Dr. Davis to make the following assertion in his blog post.
Fat, in general, does not make you fat. But butter makes you fat.

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Old 15-04-2010, 14:33
littlemiss Female littlemiss is offline
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Default Re: Binge Eating, Anxiety, Obsession and Panic

Ish, and today I start on butter for refeed.

Good to see you on the forums, Hayley! Your previous posts were very helpful to me, and I've read your diary from beginning to end. Happy to hear that you're successfully maintaining!
I embarked on the Cohen journey in Jan 2010 and lost about 13.2kg in three months or so. I mostly kept the weight off since until recently due to immense stress and grieving. Here I am once again on August 2018, older, wiser and heavier...


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Old 16-04-2010, 12:44
Hayley23 Female Hayley23 is offline
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Default Re: Binge Eating, Anxiety, Obsession and Panic

Thanks little miss,

I actually didn't keep a diary! Hehe. Just because I didn't know if I could be trusted to write regularely enough. Good luck during your refeed. Your on the home straight! And do not fear any food at all, the only time we need fear it is if we abuse or over do it. Thats a key thing to remember.


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Old 14-11-2019, 19:00
DanielLee5 Female DanielLee5 is offline
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Default Re: Binge Eating, Anxiety, Obsession and Panic

Binge eating is just a consequence, I tried to find a reason with my therapist (to find and to eliminate). I tried to cope with stress using different meds and even cbd vape , but until the reason of stress was detected I overeated and suffered from apathy all the time (coped with all this only in 6 months).
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anxiety , binge , eating , obsession , panic

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