New Tony Ferguson adverts on tv
Even though it's true that you do lose more weight in winter when you are actively dieting due to the body needing to burn more calories to keep warm, it just seems like a strange ad campaign to me. i tried many shake diets, but never lasted more than 2 weeks, cos i got BORED so quickly. well, that's all I had to say |
I too tried the Tony ferguson 'diet' and i failed miserably, cause they were horrible!! I lasted less than a week because only have liquid for 85% of your food intake just mad me feel so sick.
I start my Cohens diet in a week and im looking forward to it cause i know its gonna so much better than the Ferguson stuff. Anyway, just though that id share that i have also tried that and agree with you with how its not that great lol. Em* |
been and done the furgo thing lost 12kg and stopped and it took so long and a lot more money than cohens has ive lost twice as much weight in the same time cohens rocks it leaves it for dead.
I tried TF for two weeks about 18 months ago, and I was sooo bored with the shakes, I like to chew!!! The shakes were not that nice either, I am not a sweet tooth, so really did not enjoy them at all. Now Cohens food I do enjoy and have stuck to this consistantly now for almost 13 weeks and am not bored as yet!!!
Urgh... My Mum has done TF and I don't know how she did it. I like to eat, not drink water flavoured with some powdery thing! Yuck.
I saw an ad for one of the many shake diets, and the woman put her powder stuff into some water, shook it up and poured it into a glass... it was the most un-appetising thing I have seen! There were gluggy bits in her shaker still! Like they'd not mixed properly... yuck. Give me real food any day! Cohens is brilliant! |
Tags |
adverts , bored , ferguson , shake diet , tony , winter |