![]() Post with your inspirational ideas, both carrot and stick. Top Reasons to do Cohen
![]() Refeed Completed 1-Apr-2007 Target to stay under 80KG. After muscle mass gain attending gym + kendo, 85KG |
Peter |
** You can keep up with your kids (even after only a few weeks on teh program you have the energy!)
** So you can role model to your children what good health and nutrition is ** You don't poison yourself to death, and your children, with toxic/poisonous 'normal' food ** So you can live life and live it abundantly.
shrinking daily...<br /><br /> ![]() |
I'm hoping that all of you out there can help ... is anyone else having problems sticking to the program?? Over Christmas I deviate from the program several times due to major temptations with all the traditional Chrissy foods - as a result I started having major pains - my gall bladder couldn't cope and I developed a number of gall stones. I had my gall bladder out on 7 March 2007, with the surgeon advising that my gall bladder was diseased and they stopped counting stones at 20! Apparently this can happen when you've been on a rapid weight loss program. Thankfully I am no longer in pain, but since then I haven't been able to stick to the program 100%. I need to find the motivation to continue, because God knows I need to finish this! My husband completed his program after 14 weeks and he looks fantastic, and my sister has lost 53kg so far, so is nearing her goal. I don't want it to be a competition, but I feel I'm being left behind. I am trying to be kind to myself, but can't help beating myself up daily for not trying harder. I'm usually okay if I don't taste a carb, but as soon as they pass my lips, I want more, more, MORE! I'm finding my motivation is in the toilet, and I've started sneaking foods when hubbie won't know about it - not good - I need to be more honest with myself and with him.
I'm also finding it very difficult with people telling me how good I look now and how overweight I was! For years I have been told it's such a shame I'm overweight, because I have such a pretty face - can so sympathise with Kimberlie from TBL! I don't understand how my weight and my appearance is now the only topic of conversation people will have with me!! People who hadn't given me the time of day before are now making an effort to make conversation with me - obviously as a morbidly obese woman I wasn't worth the effort, but now I'm deemed worthy. It's very had to forget how these people have treated me in the past. Also, its become apparent that everyone was once talking behind my back about my weight, but now they say it to my face. Very odd for the self esteem. With all of this attention, it is making me want to eat - you'd think it would be enough to spur me on to lose more weight. Does anyone have any tips to deal with the lack of motivation and the new attention weight loss brings??
She woke up one day and threw away all her excuses - Kobi Yamada<br /><br /> ![]() |
Well another Cohen with Gallstones, I really think there should be a warning for those starting the diet that gallstones problems can materialize.
![]() Is there anything specific that makes you feel like deviating? Do you feel really hungry, tired or just "deprived"? Before you eat Carbs are you feeling a bit down, low motivation or tired? Do are you feeling better? do you more energy now than before you started? The comment "sneaking" foods to me rings alarms bell as this suggests that you are doing the diet for someone else other than yourself.
![]() Refeed Completed 1-Apr-2007 Target to stay under 80KG. After muscle mass gain attending gym + kendo, 85KG |
I guess the times when I am more likely to deviate is when I'm stressed - especially when the kids are screaming or when work is getting on top of me. Also, sometimes I just want something different - boredom is starting to set in - there is only so many ways you can have the same ingredients over and over. It really helped the other day when I received the email saying I could have peri peri sauce - boy was that a great day! It went so well with both prawns and chicken, and it was the first time in ages that I've been excited about eating. The stupid thing is, when I have something not on the program, as soon as its in my mouth I regret it and it doesn't taste good. All I can taste is the fat coating my mouth! As for the sneaking - I think I do it thinking I can get away with it, but I'm only fooling myself. I am doing the diet for myself, but I also don't want to let people down. Now that I've lost some weight, everything I put into my mouth is open for discussion and comment.
She woke up one day and threw away all her excuses - Kobi Yamada<br /><br /> ![]() |
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If anything, Santa's programme has increased my variety of food intake. Another side benefit of the program. On the people discussing your weight with you, I've now reached the stage where it's plain to all that I am losing weight. To those close to me, I'll openly divulge what I am doing and how it's going. For others, I often stare back at them and say "No, I don't think so, just big clothes". That kills the conversation and keeps the dimmer ones guessing while the more clued up types realise it's a converation I don't want to have with them. At the end of the day I am doing this for myself first and foremost. If others seem genuinely interested I might take the time to discuss it with them, but I think I'll be more receptive once I reach my goal. My fear is that talking about how much weight I've lost to date will be an internal trigger for me to start thinking that minor deviations, like a potatoe or a slice of bread, won't really matter because I've come so far. That's a slippery slope I don't want to take the first step down. |
Weight Gain is part mental as well as physical. Some of us “want” to be overweight because it shields us from something. I am not saying this is you. The fact you posted here is statement that you recognise what is happening is not good.
But maybe you fear the changes being slim may bring? Having a partner lose his quickly can be de-motivating. We all compare to others and therefore think if we cannot keep up, we are not worthy. This is wrong. You stated you find comfort in the foods you sneak. Change your mindset and “sneak” an organic apple? They ones I am buying at the moment are like honey in richness. However if lollies, biscuits, etc… give you a feeling your mind wants. You need to recognise that and say No! Eating carbs, even low amounts trigger hunger and want. It is vicious cycle so you must simply stop. You were very overweight. The gall stones may have been caused by the loss but that is a small price to pay to lose 35kg! The health benefits of this alone far out weight any loss. Ignore this fear. Focus on the healthy you that now exists. Why not set yourself “mini goals” like some of have here? You are close to half way. Get there and announce it here! Why not find an event you like to reward yourself for meeting those mini goals. It could be going to the Movies, Football, Ballet. It could be a new outfit. Or even a plant you can put in your garden to mark that event. When you are finished each plant will record your journey. Each of us are different and as we lose the weight will have ups and downs that are personal. But consider this: Lastly, how long did it take to put on the weight? In my case 15 years. In 6 weeks I have taken off 7 years worth. Even if I take another 9 weeks to get the last 8 years than I have still ONLY taken 15 weeks to get rid of 15 years of gain. That is losing the lot in 2% of the time it put to gain. Even if I double the time, it is still a great result. Your percentage will be very low as well. Think about the results and let that motivate you not the setbacks along that way that we all suffer. 35kg lost from a very high base is a stunning result. It inspires and motivates me that I can do it. You should be very, very proud. Peter ![]() |
Thank you so much for your words ... I have done some major soul searching over the last 24 hours and told my husband exactly how I was feeling and it really helped.
If it is to be, it's up to me ... Today I have been a lot more positive and I have stuck to the program 100%. Normally by morning tea I have been searching for something. Today, I stopped and thought, I can do this, I believe in me. It is only such a short period of time, as you said, until I reach goal, and the first half wasn't hard, I know I can finish the second half of this journey. I am going to try positive affirmations, and I know that if I can commit to looking after myself for the next week, I can make it to the end. Good luck with your weight loss journey ... watch this space on my progress. Lisa ![]()
She woke up one day and threw away all her excuses - Kobi Yamada<br /><br /> ![]() |
Did you get though the day without deviation?
BTW Do you have photos of yourself before you started Cohen? Before eating any foods do the following, just look at your fatty picture or imagine your fatty picture in your minds eye.
![]() Refeed Completed 1-Apr-2007 Target to stay under 80KG. After muscle mass gain attending gym + kendo, 85KG |
So very proud of myself - I followed the plan 100% for the entire day and survived. I was also challenged this morning with the launch of the Biggest Morning Tea event here in Wollongong, which was catered with scones, croissants, sandwiches, quiches etc, and I had a black tea and 2 crackers - very proud of myself. My co-worker was equally impressed with my resiliance, while she ate scones with jam and cream. I want to be thin more than I want the food. I think I've had an epiphany. I do have before and during photos and I know I won't go back to the old me.
She woke up one day and threw away all her excuses - Kobi Yamada
She woke up one day and threw away all her excuses - Kobi Yamada<br /><br /> ![]() |
you look awesome! Great job. Now you have got through one day, focus on 2 days, then 3 etc |
Well done heyhowarren.
And think, after the first few days the cravings will stop and it becomes even easier. Let those cakes and bikkies go by. I know ( personally) it is hard to be unsociable ,especially if bought for you, waste of food and all that but consider this. What happens if: you don’t eat it? It gets thrown in the bin as waste. if you do eat it? You stay overweight and 12 hours later it gets put in the toilet as waste. The end result is the same. It is waste garbage. If you were starving then gorge but in today’s western world almost no-one starves. We need to recognise that the culture of sharing food has been corrupted by cheap takeaway, franchise cake shops, and drive throughs. It is too easily available and the good stuff, real food prepared from scratch with care and time is the true indulgence. Your going well, Peter 14.7 |
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Hi, Well done on the day without deviations. One step at a time, one mouthful at a time and one denial of the wrong food at a time is how you will beat this thing! I think its really important that you don't compare yourself to others. Even on the forum there are those that stop losing weight if they even smell deviation food and those that can deviate with minimal effect on their weight loss. There are those that lose 2 kg a week and those that lose 1kg. Everyone is different. Do the program for yourself and see your body adjust as it needs to. Everyone's journey is different. I also would encourage you to really think about how you view yourself, and how you "filter" others comments and reactions through your own judgement of yourself. It seems like you are refusing to enjoy the comments of others because it means that they were judgemental of you before. I wonder how much of the judgement you perceive from others is because of your own judgement of yourself. I know that I am very judgemental, and I assume others are as well. But I know that my attitude towards others and myself has changed. I have quite a few fat friends. I don't judge them, but I wish they could realise how easily they could change their lives. I hope I'm not getting too personal, but I found your comment that others were talking behind your back interesting. I wonder how much of that was actually out of concern for you and your health, and now they are really happy to see the positive efforts you are making. So, instead of seeing it as a negative, change it into a positive. Think about if you had a friend who was suicidal. I'm sure you would talk to your other friends about it, expressing your concern and wondering what you could do to help. And as that person made positive changes in their lives, then I'm sure you would rejoice in it with them, as well as talking about them with your other friends. But i'm sure it would be challenging for the person who was suicidal to actually change their own perception of themselves and the role they have in their world, so they could actually misconstrue your concern and happiness at seeing their progress as judgement of where they were. But you can see how destructive that would be. and so it can also be for you if you assume that others were judging you before. Whether they were or weren't, you need to continue to walk out of the destruction that you were in and find a new "place" and role in your world. For me, I can see the change in attitude of my work colleagues, particularly those in authority over me. I can see that they have changed from seeing me as someone who was not in control of my life to someone with greater skills, greater insight etc. Its interesting seeing their perceptions change. Now, I don't think I have changed. But I'm not going to complain about how they saw me previously.. I'm just going to make the most of how they see me now!! I think a huge part of successful weight loss is changing our "self talk" ,seeing things positively and changing out perception of ourselves. If you can do this, as well as eating the right things, you are well on the way to being successful!! Pen |
well said Pen
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Thanks Pen, certainly something for me to think about. Hadn't thought of the flip side. I'm am working on being kinder to myself and it is working so far - I am motivated to succeed and complete my program in the next few months. I am doing this for me and I will try to be more accepting of compliments I receive and not listen to negativity.
She woke up one day and threw away all her excuses - Kobi Yamada<br /><br /> ![]() |
I found this on the web and it rings home to me. It may help someone else as well.
You get credit for what you finish, not what you start - Unknown Some say the hardest part is getting started. If this is true though, why do we hear stories of people who give up on their diet, stop writing a novel or quit a difficult task at work. Maybe it’s not the start but the finish that’s so difficult. This is important to know when you are chasing after a dream or goal. Many of us expect smooth sailing once we start something. However, we find out quickly there are always bumps in the road. The important thing is to embrace these bumps, not run away from them. Remind yourself that if it were easy, everyone would do it. Then, when you reach the finish line, you will have much more appreciation for what you just accomplished. The goal should always be to finish, not start. So keep at your goals, and be prepared for the bumps along the way. |
Awesome post - A Thank You from :- | ||
And another one
![]() FALL SEVEN TIMES, STAND UP EIGHT - Japanese proverb Your goals – if worthwhile – will not come easy. There is no accomplishment without work, and no “win” without something to beat. It’s easy to get discouraged when roadblocks appear-it’s only natural. You’ve invested time and emotion into creating the perfect plan, and then something has to come along and muck it all up. Sometimes, though, all you have to do to beat that barrier is to get back up and move forward again. Goal obstacles are like the Wizard of Oz – they’re a lot less intimidating once you see them up close. Next time you take a step back, don’t let guilt pile it on top of your previous “stumbles”. Just take two steps forward and you’re still further along than you were before. It doesn’t matter how many walls you face. You only have to get the better of that last one. |
They are great quotes SOS and I can relate to both.
Sometimes we need a gentle reminder to "Not Quit". I particularly like the first quote as it relates to many areas of my life at this time. Particularly my study as I find it harder to stick to every year but I keep thinking about how good it's going to feel to graduate and be slim at the same time and the party I am going to have - lots of champagne. Thanks for the inspiration. I have written them on my white board. Soba |
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cohen , embarrassed , encouragement , ideas , lack , motivation , motivational , quotes , reasons , stay |
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Thread | Thread Starter | Forum | Replies | Last Post |
To Cohen or not to Cohen??? | bobsy | Discussion on Cohen's Lifestyle programme | 14 | 27-07-2008 15:55 |
Mechanics of COHEN | bibabs | Discussion on Cohen's Lifestyle programme | 9 | 09-05-2008 22:49 |
Day 23 Cohen Rebellion | bestyears | Discussion on Cohen's Lifestyle programme | 4 | 26-02-2008 11:23 |
New to Cohen | isha | NEW MEMBERS... Start here! | 7 | 25-10-2007 21:25 |