I mixed one egg with 1/4 cup of water (if you have, use fizzy water for extra fluffiness), then beat it with an electric mixer until fluffy (not quite like you'd beat egg-white for Pavlova, but close, it kind of slides into the pan, that stiff). Spray pan, heat for about 30 sec, add beaten egg, after about 30 sec (or when you think the bottom would have set, add your veg allowance (I mixed mushrooms and tomato, but spinach would also be nice), wait some more til nealry cured, then flip one half over to shape an omelet, like the folded pizza calzone. Squeeze lightly with a spoon, wait til it's cooked as you lke it (I like it a tiny bit runny on the inside, but that requires fresh eggs from a trusted source (I am assuming my in-laws like me!). Serve on a beautiful small plate, with a nice cup of coffee!